Quick Facts
Warren Snodgrass is a pediatric urologist specializing in the repair of hypospadias, the second most common birth defect. In 1994 he described the tubularized incised plate (TIP) repair of hypospadias, which has become known as the Snodgrass repair and has become the most common approach to repairing most forms of hypospadias. Snodgrass is internationally known for his advocacy of evidence-based surgery, and was the editor of a textbook on pediatric urology. He is in private practice near Dallas, Texas.
Snodgrass received his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch in 1980, and then completed urology residency training at Baylor College of Medicine in 1986. He spent 12 years in private practice with his father, a urologist, in Lubbock, Texas. He worked at Children's Medical Center until 2014, serving as the Chief of Pediatric Urology for 12 years.
In 2014 Snodgrass and Nicol Bush left Children’s Medical Center to establish PARC Urology for complex hypospadias surgery in children and adults. In 1994, Snodgrass published a description of the TIP repair of hypospadias. The technique has become popularly known as the Snodgrass urethroplasty or Snodgrass technique. The technique became widely employed across the world. In 2011, the Snodgrass technique was described as the dominant procedure for repairing most forms of hypospadias. In 2015, an analysis of all published articles regarding hypospadias since 1945 reported Snodgrass to be the most cited author.
Snodgrass has lectured and demonstrated surgical techniques internationally to pediatric urologists and surgeons. He established an annual live surgery course broadcast on the World Wide Web to teach surgeons performing hypospadias repair. Snodgrass served as editor of a pediatric urology textbook, Pediatric Urology: Evidence for Optimal Patient Management. In 2015, Snodgrass and his colleague Nicol Bush self-published a surgical textbook entitled Hypospadiology through a charity, Operation Happenis.
At his outpatient center, Snodgrass cares for patients with hypospadias and teaches evidence-based urology to other physicians.
Snodgrass published a book describing the fall of Communism in East Germany entitled Swords to Plowshares.
Honors and awards
Snodgrass was awarded honorary fellowship in the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He has been designated a U.S. News & World Report Top Doctor. Snodgrass has been listed in Marquis Who's Who. A review of the top 150 influential scientific publications on hypospadias from 1945-2013 reported Snodgrass was the most frequently cited authorSnodgrass has also been designated a Best Doctor in America and a Texas Super Doctor. He was the Best Reviewer for the Journal of Urology Pediatric Section, and a Top 10 Reviewer for the Journal of Pediatric Urology. Snodgrass has been an invited visiting professor, lecturer and surgeon to over 75 medical conferences in 36 countries. [1]
Selected publications
- Snodgrass W, Bush N, Cost N: Algorithm for Comprehensive Approach to Hypospadias Reoperation using 3 Techniques. Journal of Urology, 182(6) 2885, 2009.
- Snodgrass W, Bush N. Distal Hypospadias In: Urologic Surgery: Step-by-Step. Eds: Suks Minhas, John Mulhall, Robert Flanigan, Hendrik Van Poppel, Wiley, Oxford, submitted.
- Snodgrass W, Bush N. Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty: Gold Standard for Primary Hypospadias In: Hypospadias: Challenges and Limits. Ed: Miroslav Djordjevic, Nova, New York, submitted.
- Snodgrass W. Hypospadias: In: Campbell-Walsh Urology Eleventh Edition. Eds: Alan Wein, Louis Kavoussi, Andrew Novick, Alan Partin, Craig Peters, Elsevier, Philadelphia, in press.
- Snodgrass W. Decision-Making in Hypospadias Surgery. In: Hinman’s Atlas of Urologic Surgery, 3rd Edition. Edited by Joseph Smith Jr., Stuart Howards and Glenn Preminger. Elsevier, 2012, pp 97-101.
- Snodgrass W. Hypospadias Urethroplasty. In: Pediatric Urology: Surgical Complications and Management. Edited by Duncan Wilcox, Prasad Godbole and Martin Koyle, Blackwell, 2009, pp 201-11.
- Snodgrass W. Tubularized Incised Plate (TIP) Repair. In: Operative Pediatric Urology, 2nd Edition. Edited by J. David Frank and Howard M. Snyder, III. Churchill Livingstone, London, 2002.
- Snodgrass W. Hypospadias. In: Glenn’s Urologic Surgery, 5th Edition. Edited by SD Graham, Jr, Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998, pp. 809–813.
- Snodgrass W, Editor: Reoperative Hypospadias: A Spectrum of Challenges. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology. 25: Number 2, 2002.
- Snodgrass W. 1999 TIP Hypospadias Repair: Techniques, Results and Commonly Asked Questions. Society for Pediatric Urology Newsletter, Volume 1(3):.