Quick Facts
Varun Grover (born 1959) is an American Information systems researcher, who is the David D. Glass Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor at the Walton School of Business, University of Arkansas.From 2002-17, he was the William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Clemson University, where he taught doctoral seminars on methods and information systems. He is consistently in the top 3 IS researchers in the world (ranked by volume in top journals). He has an h-index of 91, among the top 5 in his field (see https://ai.arizona.edu/sites/ai/files/MIS510/h-index-2015-04.pdf).
Grover has received his B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering in 1982 from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, his MBA in 1985 from Southern Illinois University, and his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems in 1990 from the University of Pittsburgh.
After his graduation in New Delhi, Grover started as Marketing Analyst in 1982-83. Next in the United States he was Graduate Research Assistant at the Southern Illinois University from 1983 to 1985, and at the Katz Graduate School of Business of the University of Pittsburgh from 1985 to 1988. After another year as lecturer at Pitt he moved to the University of South Carolina, where he became Assistant Professor, in 1994 Associate Professor, and from 1998 to 2001 Full Professor (BPF Professor and Distinguished Researcher). From 2002-17 he was the William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Chaired Full Professor at theCollege of Business & Behavioral Sciences of the Clemson University.
Currently, Dr. Grover is the David D. Glass Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor of IS at the Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas . He is Senior Editor for MISQ Executive, Editor of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems Section on Path Breaking Research, and has served as Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly (2 terms), the Journal of the AIS (2 terms), and Database. He is also current or former Associate/Advisory Editor of 15 other journals including the Journal of MIS, Decision Sciences, Information Systems Research, and Information Systems Journal.
Grover is married.His interests include tennis, world travel, and home electronics. He is a deeply loyal fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team.
Grover's research interests include IS value in organizations, business process change, IT in inter-organizational relationships, impacts of e-business, and strategic information systems. He is generally considered to be among the top 3 information systems researchers based on volume and impact.
Grover has integrated information systems and operations management research to produce valuable contributions to both fields. Notable peer-reviewed articles authored/co-authored by Dr. Grover include:
- Business Value of IT: An Essay onExpanding Research Directions to Keep Up With The Times,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Vol.9, January, 2008, pp.23-39.[2]
- General Perspectives On Knowledge Management: Fostering A Research Agenda, Journal of Management Information Systems. Vol.18, No.1, Summer, 2001, pp.5-23 [3]
- Strategic Agility through Digital Options: Reconceptualization the Role of IT in Contemporary Firms,” MIS Quarterly, Vol.27, No.2, 2003, pp.237-265. [4]
- The Successful Implementation Of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Projects, (Vol.42, No.2, pp. 9–31, with K. Saeed, W. Kettinger and S. Guha)(Winner, 2012 DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems Best Paper Award for 2011)
- Inter-Organizational System Usage and Supply Chain Integration: An Empirical Assessment, Decision Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 1, 7-42 (with K. Saeed, M. Malhotra)(Winner, 2012 Decision Sciences Best Paper Award for 2011)
- Evolution in the Strategic Manufacturing Planning Process of Organizations Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 24, 421-43 (2007 2nd Place, Journal of Operations Management Best Paper Award).
In addition to his numerous research articles and book chapters, he has co-authored three books:
- With M. Lynne Markus, Business Process Transformation, Sharpe Publishing Company (Part of the Advances in Management Information Systems Series), Armonk, NY, 2008
- With W.R. Kettinger, ProcessThink: Winning Perspectives for Business Change in the Information Age, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA and London, UK, 2000 (399 pages) ISBN 1-878-28968-3
- With W.R. Kettinger, Business Process Change: Concepts, Methods and Technologies, IDEA Group Publishing, Harrisburg, USA, 1995 (704 pages) ISBN 1-878289-29-2