Quick Facts
Taimur Rahman is an academic, musician and socialist political activist from Pakistan. He teaches political science at the Lahore University of Management Sciences. He is the band leader and spokesperson for the political music band named Laal. Rahman uses Laal to advance causes which he holds dear, such as socialism, the plight of labour and the suffering Pakistanis have endured at the hands of religious fundamentalism and authoritarian rule. He was also one of the leaders of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party. He is the author of the book The Class Structure of Pakistan published by Oxford University Press. The book won the Akhtar Hameed Khan Memorial Award for the best social sciences book about Pakistan in 2012.
Early Life and Education
Rahman was involved with the theater in his teen years as an actor, director and producer. He graduated from Grinnell College, obtained a Masters from Sussex University and holds a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies. He has also taught Economics at The Lahore School of Economics.
Political Career
Taimur Rahman was previously General Secretary of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (Workers & Farmers Party). He is nephew of Asad Rehman who joined the balochistan insurgency on the Baloch nationalists' side in 1977.He also spend much time with his uncle who politically grown him.