Stephen Verney
Quick Facts
The Rt Rev Stephen Edmund Verney MBE (17 April 1919 – 9 November 2009) was the second Bishop of Repton from 1977 to 1985; and from then on an Assistant Bishop within the Diocese of Oxford. The son of Sir Harry Verney, 4th Baronet, he was born on 17 April 1919 and educated at Harrowand Balliol College, Oxford. In 1947 he married Priscilla Schwerdtand in 1950 was ordained an Anglican Priest. He began his career with a curacy at Gedlingafter which he was: Priest in charge of St Francis Clifton, Nottingham; Vicar of Leamington Hastings ; Diocesan Missioner for the Diocese of Coventry then finally, before his elevation to the Episcopate, a Canon Residentiary at Windsor. His first wife died in 1974 and seven years later became the first Bishop to marry a divorced woman. After 8 years as the Derby Suffragan he retired to Blewbury in 1985.
- Water into Wine (London: Fount Paperbacks, 1985)