Quick Facts
Qazi Muhammad Yousaf (1 September 1883 – 4 January 1963) was a notable companion of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He was a profound scholar, a poet, a prolific writer and a great Ahmadiyya debater. He was an Ahmadiyya historian and biographer. Authored more than hundred pamphlets and books. He was regional head Amir of North West Frontier chapter of the Ahmadiyya Community.
Early life
Qazi Muhammad Yousaf was born September 1, 1883, at Hoti, Maradan. The family shifted to Peshawar in 1884. His father, Qazi Muhammad Siddique, was a religious scholar and sometimes ‘Imam’ at the Mosque in Gul Badhsh Ji Street, Peshawar. In 1896, at age 12, Muhammad Yousaf was admitted to Mission High School Peshawarand later studied at Islamia High School, completing his Secondary School Certificate Examination.
Introduction to Ahmadiyya
In 1901, he came across books by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, namely ‘Shuhna e Haq’ and ‘Izala e Auhaam’
He writes he came to know for the first time about the issue of life and death of Jesus son Mary. These books convinced him about the mortal death of Jesus son Mary. He came to know about the claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad through his book Izala e Auhaam. He used to discuss these issues with an Ahmadi teacher, namely Munshi Khadim Hussain, who was his English language teacher at the Islamia High School, Peshawar.
Conversion and Bay'ah (Ahmadiyya)
On January 15, 1902, Qazi Muhammad Yousaf converted to Ahmadiyya Islam due to the efforts of his English teacher Munshi Khadim Hussain
He attended the Annual Ahmadiyya Convention in December 1902 and physically took the Bay'ah (Ahmadiyya) at the hands of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. In Qadian, he also had the opportunity to meet Sahibzada Abdul LatifYousaf attended the Ahmadiyya Annual Conventions at Qadian in 1904, 1906, and also visited Qadian in November 1907, to participate in the wedding ceremony of Mirza Bashir Ahmad (1893–1963) son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
A dream of Khalifa Hakeem Noor-ud-Din
On May 28, 1908, he participated in the funeral prayers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and took his fresh Oath of Allegiance ( Bay'ah (Ahmadiyya) ) at the hands of the newly elected Khalifa Hakeem Noor-ud-Din. In 1912, Yousaf met Khalifa Hakeem Noor-ud-Din and presented his book Iblagh e Haq to him, giving him a written request for prayers. On the same letter, the Khalifa wrote, he would pray for him. He also wrote a ‘Ro’ya’ (dream) of his own upon the same letter. He wrote:
- “Insha Allah I shall pray for you. You also persist in prayers. I saw Hadhrat Umar in a Ro’ya (dream). He was telling, “Iran is destroyed”. They [Iranis] abuse me, ( Tabarra ) l but I don’t care, I am now preparing the armies. May Allah make you a commander of that army.”
[Urdu transcript-actual ]
- “Inshal Allah bohut dua karon ga. Aap khud bhi dua karen. Aik ro’ya he, Hadhrat Umar farmate hen, Iran barbaad ho gia. Go mujhe Tabarra karte hen magar us ki parwah nahi. Men ab fojen tayyar karta hon, Allah kare tum bhi Afsar e foj ho jao” (December 1912).
- Tareekh e Ahmadiyya, Sarhad. (1959) page.91
- Tareekh e Ahmadiyya, Sarhad. (1959) page.91
The Split and Re-patriation
On March 14, 1914, Khalifa Hakeem Noor-ud-Din died. The Community was split into two. Muhammad Yousaf sided with the group headed by Maulana Muhammad Ali (1874 - 13 October 1951) of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat-i-Islam Lahore. However, on December 30, 1914, he came to Qadian and took his Oath of Allegiance Bay'ah (Ahmadiyya) at the hands of Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad.
Personal life
Muhammad Yousaf had 20 children from two wives. Eleven of his children died in infancy, (five sons and six daughters) while four of his sons and five daughters lived to adult life. He traveled a lot, visiting Kabul, Kashmir, Quetta, Mastoong, Karachi, Agra, Bombay, Calcutta, Shimla, Dehli, Aligar, and many other cities of the Punjab. He started his career in 1906 as a Second clerk at the Chief Commissioner Office, later on worked also at the post of Assistant Political and for one year before his retirement in 1934 as Chief Examiner. He had an attack upon his life on June 9, 1935. The culprit was jailed for 9 years. Qazi Muhammad Yousaf remained Provincial Amir Head of the Ahmadiyya Community in the North West Frontier. He has listed 113 persons, who converted to Ahmadiyya Islam due to his efforts. He died January 4, 1963. He was buried at Mardan.
List of his Works
He was a prolific writer, a great Ahmadiyya debater and had penned more than hundred small and large books and papers. He wrote regularly for the monthly Review of Religions, (Urdu) 1919-1921. the Al-Hakam, the Badar, the Al-Fazal, the Farooq . Here is a list of his Works below.
- Wafat al masih nasiri (pages 52)
- Asaar e qiamat (pages 32)
- Nazool al masih (pages 142) (1912)
- Aqaid e Ahmadiyya (pages 72) (1912)
- Khurooj e dabatul al arz (pages 12) (1911)
- Khurooj e dajjal (pages 80) (1912)
- Tuhfa tun nubuwah (pages 80) (1912)
- Khurooj e yajooj majooj ( pages 80) (1912)
- Zameema tuha tun nabuwah (pages 52)
- Iblagh e haq-collected . 11. Al Islam (pages 80) (1912)
- Attab leegh no-1 (1913)
- Pashto poem (Pages 8)
- Dalayal qaraniya bar wafat Isa nasiri (pages 16)
- Attab leegh no-3
- Dalaya wafat isa nasiri az salaf saliheen (pages 24) (1913)
- Tardeed dalayal hayat hazrat isa nasir (pages 26) (1913)
- Haqeeqa tul mahdi (pages 432) (1913)
- Tazkira tun nabi (pages 240)
- Durre adan pushto (pages 96)
- Haqeeqa tu Yasuu
- Al nubuwwah fil quran
- Haqeeqa tul Masih
- Al-mauood fil Quran (pages 56)
- Tafseer khatam unnabiyyeen (Page 34)
- Muta'a nabi
- Mutalibaat burhaniyya (Pages 28)
- Azaab aur rasool (Pages 12)
- Al tableegh no-1 (Pages 80)
- Pashto Lughat (Unpublished)
- Tafseer al Quraan (4 vol) (Unpublished)
- Pashto divan ahmadi (Pages 408)
- Ah Nadir Shah su sho
- Ahmadiyyat aur Afghanistan
- Ahsanal Hadith
- Tareekh bani Israel (unpublished)
- Pushto zarbul amsaal
- Pushto Qawaid
- Afghanistan au Ahmadiyyat
- Pashto ka Qaida
- Wurmbay Kitaab
- Dwayam kitaab
- Durre Adan Farsi
- Ahmad Mauood
- Insaan e kamil
- Ayat khatam an nabiyyeen wa tafseer salf saliheen
- Wafaat hazarat Isa Nasiri
- Aqaid Ahmadiyya
- Khitaab ba bani Israel (Unpublished)
- Fazeelat syedna hazrat Muhammad saw bar jamee anbiya
- Aqaid Ahmadiyya Farsi manzoom
- Al Nubuwat fil Quran (Pages 432)
- Al nubuwat fil wahi wal ilhaam
- Al nubuwat fil Ahadeeth
- Challenge inaami yak sad rupya darbara nubuwat
- Durre adan nazam Urdu
- Kitaab al hayat
- Mulvi Muhammad Ali ka maujooda mazhab- khilaf Ahmad aakhir zaman
- Imtiaz
- Ahmad jari ullah
- Ahmad mudday Nubuwat
- Ahmad madaar-e-nijaat
- Ismu-hu-Ahnad
- Ahmad ke dawe ki bunyaat
- Tazkira tul hasan
- Aik ghalat fahmi ka izala (Pages 32)
- Anajeel ka yusu aur Quran ka Isa
- Sianat –u-swalihhen
- Ahmad ki pakeeza zindagi
- Hazrat Muhammad saw ki taleemat e muqadisa
- Muje mera mazhab kion piara he
- Wafaat hazrat isa nasiri (Urdu)
- Tanqeed bar ishtihaar yome dua
- Ane wala masih aa gia
- Do darjan challenge
- Syedna Muhammad saw aur qiam aman
- Aqibatul mukazibeen aul Afghanistan
- Aqibatul mukazibeen hissa dom (Unpublished)
- Yusu aur aasman
- Yusu aur saleeb
- Kia Yusu khuda tha
- Kia Yusu khuda ka beta tha
- Kia Yusu nabi tha
- Kia Yusu bey guna tha
- Issayeat ki asliyyat part-1, part-2
- Yusu aur tasleeth
- Khliq u tuyyor
- Aalim ul ghaib
- Mohaye ul mouta
- Kalimatullah
- Rooho Allah
- Roohul qudus
- Isayon ke naam aik khat
- Isa dare Kashmir
- Khula khat banaam molvi Sana u llah
- Fathe mubeen
- Master Nizam u din ke naam challenge
- Master Nizam u din ke naam dosara challenge
- Khula khat banam molvi Muhammad Ali
- Mir Mudasir Shah ka mazhab khilaf hazrat ahmas as
- Mir Mudasir Shah ke do mazhab
- Molvi Muhammad Ali ke do swalon ka jawab
- Ishtiharat tardded ghair mubaieen dar bara toheen rasool
- Ishtiharat tardeed molvi Kifayat Hussain shiah
- Ishtiaar tardeed Anjuman Ishat Islam Peshawar
- Qaati ul anf u shiah
- Aqaid Ahmadiyya
- Khwaja Kamal Din ke 5 swalon ka jawab
- Mukhtasar Tareek Ahmadiyyat Sarhad
- Tareekh Ahmadiyyat (Sarhad) by Qazi Muhammad Yousaf. (1959) pp: 113-116