Quick Facts
Pedro Ruiz Pérez (Córdoba, 1959) is chair of University and Spanish researcher, expert in Century of Gold.
Been born in Córdoba (Spain) on 25 April 1959, licenció and doctoró in Hispanic Philology by the University of Córdoba with extraordinary prizes. His thesis doctoral versó on the work of the writer cordobés Fernán Pérez of Oliva. Linked to the University of Córdoba from 1982, first like scholar, afterwards like Headline and finally like chair of Spanish Literature in the University of Córdoba from 2007.
Cofounder in 1988 of the group of interuniversity investigation Step (Andalusian Poetry of the Century of Gold), directed by the professor Begoña López Well, chair of Spanish Literature of the University of Seville, Pedro Ruiz Pérez is director of the group of investigation PHEBO (Hispanic Poetry of the Low Baroque). It has been professor invited in the Universities of Paris III and Toulouse-Him Mirail. Develop his work researcher in the frame of the Century of Gold, with more than 150 articles and publications on the period áureo. It is studious of the baroque aesthetics, of the poetry gongorina and the Andalusian school. Likewise it is specialist in the Andalusian Renaissance.
Lover of the theatre, has done calas in the dramaturgia of Miguel Romero Esteo and has directed the Classroom of the Arts of the University of Córdoba. Member of AISO (International Association Century of Gold), is also literary critic, lecturer and articulista.
Bibliography selected
- Reasoning on the navigation of the river Guadalquivir. Written of Fernán Pérez of Oliva (1992).
- Grammar and humanism (Madrid, 1993).
- The space of the writing (Berne, 1996).
- Books and readings of a poet humanist. Fernando of Herrera (Córdoba, 1997).
- Studies on the Century of Gold (1999).
- Manual of literary studies of the centuries of gold (Madrid, 2003).
- The distinction cervantina. Poetic and history (Alcalá, 2006).
- Between Narciso and Proteo. Lyric and writing of Garcilaso to Góngora (Vigo, 2007)
- The rúbrica of the poet (Valladolid, 2009).
- The century of the new art (Barcelona, 2010), vol. 3 of the History of the Spanish literature directed by José Carlos Mainer.
- Poetry, of Juan Boscán (Madrid, 1999).
- Poetry, of Pedro Espinosa (Madrid, 2011).