Quick Facts
Octavio José Acevedo (1875 - 1933) was an Argentine soldier, lawyer, writer and teacher, who served as professor at the National College of Buenos Aires. He was the editor of El Progreso, a weekly newspaper published since the late 19th century and beginning of the 20th.
He was born in Buenos Aires, the son of Pedro Acevedo y Axa Cristina Canaveris, belonging to an illustrious family. He was a relative of Macedonio Fernández, a well-known Argentine writer, and a descendant of Vicente Anastasio Echevarría, a politician who served in the Assembly of the Year XIII.
In addition to serving at the National College, he served as a professor in the Liceo Nacional de Señoritas n° 2 of Buenos Aires (National Lyceum of Ladies). He was the author of some educational works, including "Apuntes constitucionales tomados de las conferencias del Dr. Del Valle", "Historia de la geografía argentina" and "Curso de Moral Práctica".