Michael P. Doyle
Quick Facts
Michael Patrick Doyle is an emeritus professor of microbiology, microbiologist, and author. He is an emeritus Regents Professor of Food Microbiology at the University of Georgia's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the former director of the college's Center for Food Safety, where he researched foodborne bacterial pathogens. He developed patents to several food safety interventions, including one used as a meat wash.
Doyle graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.S. degree in Bacteriology (1973), followed by an M.S. (1975) and Ph.D. (1977) in Food Microbiologyunder the direction of UW professor and adviser Dr. Elmer Marth.
Doyle is a member of the American Academy of Microbiology; the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the American Society for Microbiology; the International Association for Food Protection; the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies; the National Academy of Inventors;Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi; and Gamma Sigma Delta.
- Doyle, M. P. (ed.).1989.Foodborne bacterial pathogens.Marcel Dekker, New York. 796 p.; 2nd printing, 1990; 3rd printing, 1994.
- Doyle, M. P., L. R. Beuchat, and T. J. Montville (eds.).1997.Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers.ASM Press, Washington, DC, 768 p.
- Doyle, M. P., L. R. Beuchat, and T. J. Montville (eds).1997.Microbiologia de los Alimentos: Fundamentos y fronteras.Acribia, S.A., Royo, Spain :799 p. (Spanish version).
- Committee to Ensure Safe Food from Production to Consumption (J. C. Bailar III, C. A. Bisogni, D. L. Call, M. N. Cohen, M. P. Doyle, D. A. Hammock, L. J. King, G. A. Leveille, R. A. Merrill, S. A. Miller, H. W. Moon, M. T. Osterholm, and T. D. Trautman).1998.Ensuring safe food from production to consumption.National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 194 p.
- Doyle, M. P., L. R. Beuchat, and T. J. Montville (eds.).2001.Food Microbiology:Fundamentals and Frontiers, 2nd edition.ASM Press, Washington, DC, 872 p.
- Committee on the Review of the USDA E. coliO157:H7 Farm-to-Table Process Risk Assessment (M. P. Doyle, S. Ferson, D. D. Hancock, M. M. Levine, G. Paoli, B. J. Peterson, J. N. Sofos, and S. S. Sumner).2002.Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef:Review of a draft risk assessment.National Academy Press, Washington, DC.161 p.
- Committee on the National Needs for Research in Veterinary Science (J. E. Womack, L. C. Anderson, L. S. Bull, C. C. Capen, N. F. Cheville, P. Daszak, W. J. Dodds, M. P. Doyle, D. R. Franz, J. A. Shadduck, D. H. Shaw, D. E. Swayne, and R. J. Tolwani).2005.Critical needs for research in veterinary science.National Academy Press, Washington, DC.195 p.
- Doyle, M. P., andL. R. Beuchat (eds.).2007.Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, 3rd edition.ASM Press, Washington, DC, 1038 p.
- Doyle, M. P., and M. C. Erickson.2008.Imported Foods: Microbiological Issues and Challenges. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 276 p.
- Sperber, W.H., and M..P. Doyle (ed.).2009.Compendium of the Microbiological Spoilage of Foods and Beverages, Springer Publishing, New York, 367 p.
- Doyle, M. P. and T.R. Klaenhammer (ed.).2010.Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Volume 1.Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 519 p.
- Doyle, M., R. Buchanan, A. Yaktine, R. Brackett, S. Miller, and C-H. Lee.2010.Risk Assessment of Foods (Korean), KAST (Korean Academy of Science and Technology) Press, Seongnam-Si, Gyeonggi-do,Republic of Korea, 260 p.
- Doyle, M.P., and T.R. Klaenhammer (eds.).2011.Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Volume 2.Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 483 p.
- Doyle. M.P., and T.R. Klaenhammer (eds.).2012.Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Volume 3.Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA,510 p.
- Doyle, Michael P., and Robert L. Buchanan (ed).2013.Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, 4th edition.ASM Press, Washington, DC.1118 p.
- Doyle, M.P. and T.R. Klaenhammer (eds.).2013.Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, Volume 4.Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, 422 p.
Selected publications
- Doyle, Michael P., and Robert L. Buchanan (ed).2013.Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, 4th edition.ASM Press, Washington, DC.1118 p.
- Doyle, M. P., G. R. Acuff, D. Bernard, B. Cords, J. Cullor, J. Hollingsworth, K. P. Penner, S. Seward, W. A. Sperber, and B. Tompkin.2004.Intervention strategies for the safety of foods of animal origin.Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Ames, IA.Issue Paper No. 25.January.pp. 1–24.
- Batz, M. B., M. P. Doyle, J. G. Morris, J. Painter, R. Singh, R. V. Tauxe, M. R. Taylor, and D. M. A. Lo Fo Wong.2005.Attributing illness to food.Emerging. Infect. Dis. 11:993–999.
- Zhao, T., T. C. Podtburg, P. Zhao, B. E. Schmidt, D. A. Baker, B. Cords, and M. P. Doyle.2006.Control of Listeria species by competitive exclusion bacteria in floor drains of a poultry processing plant.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:3314–3320.
- Doyle, M. P.2006.Dealing with antimicrobial resistance.Food Technol. 60(8):22–29.
- Doyle, M. P., and M. C. Erickson.2006.Emerging microbiological food safety issues related to meat.Meat Sci. 74:98–112.
- Doyle, M. P., and M. C. Erickson.2006.Closing the door on the fecal coliform assay.Microbe 1:162–163.
- Doyle, M. P., and M. C. Erickson.2006.Reducing the carriage of foodborne pathogens in livestock and poultry.Poultry Sci. 85:960–973.
- Doyle, M. P., F. Busta, B. R. Cords, P. M. Davidson, J. Hawke, H. S. Hurd, R. E. Isaacson, K. Matthews, J. Maurer, J. Meng, T. J. Montville, T. R. Shryock, J. N. Sofos, A. K. Vidaver, and L. Vogel.2006.Antimicrobial resistance: Implications for the food system.Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Food Safety 5:71–137.
- Zhang, Guodong, Li Ma, and Michael P. Doyle.2007.Potential competitive exclusion bacteria from poultry inhibitory to Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella.J. Food Protect. 70:867–873.
- Zhang, Guodong, Li Ma and Michael P. Doyle.2007.Salmonellae reduction in poultry by competitive exclusion bacteria Lactobacillus salivarius and Streptococcus cristatus.J. Food Protect. 70:874–878.
- Doyle, M. P., and M. Erickson.2008.The problems with fresh produce: An overview.J. Appl. Microbiol. 195:317–330.
- Taormina, P. J., L. R. Beuchat, M. C. Erickson, L. Ma, G. Zhang, and M. P. Doyle.2009.Transfer of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to iceberg lettuce via simulated field coring.J. Food Protect.72:465–472.
- Zhao, T., P. Zhao, and M. P. Doyle.2009.Inactivation of Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on lettuce and poultry skin by combinations of levulinic acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate.J. Food Protect. 72:928–936.
- Ma, L., G. Zhang, P. Gerner-Smidt, R.V.Tauxe, and M.P. Doyle.2010.Survival and growth of Salmonella in salsa and related ingredients.J. Food Protect. 73: 434–444.
- Zhao, T., P. Zhao, and M. P. Doyle.2010.Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104 on alfalfa seeds by levulinic acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate.J. Food Protect. 73:2010–2017.
- Tauxe, R. V., M. P. Doyle, T. Kuchenmüller, J. Schlundt, and C. E. Stein.2010.Evolving public health approaches to the global challenge of foodborne infections.Intl. J. Food Microbiol. 139(S1):S16-S28.
- Mead, G., A. M. Lammerding, N. Cox, M. P. Doyle, F. Humbert, A. Kulikovskiy, A. Panin, V. Pinheiro DO Nascimento, M. Wierup, and the Salmonella on Raw Poultry Writing Committee.2010.Scientific and technical factors affecting the setting of Salmonella criteria for raw poultry:A global perspective.J. Food Protect. 73:1566–1590.(Translated into Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese).
- Critzer, F. J., and M. P. Doyle.2010.Microbial ecology of foodborne pathogens associated with produce.Current Opinion in Biotechnol. 21:125–130.
- Doores, S., M. P. Doyle, M. Buckley, and A. Reid.2010.Global food safety:Keeping food safe from farm to table.American Academy of Microbiology, Washington, DC.p. 1-41.
- Zhao, Tong, Ping Zhao, Jennifer L. Cannon, and Michael P. Doyle.2011.Inactivation of Salmonella in biofilms, and on chicken cages and preharvest poultry by levulinic acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate.J. Food Protect. 74:2024–2030.
- Doyle, M.P., and Marilyn C. Erickson.2012.Opportunities for mitigating pathogen contamination during on-farm food production.Intl. J. Food Microbiol. 152:54–74.
- Kendall, Magdalena E., Rajal Mody, Barbara Mahon, Michael Doyle, Karen Herman, and Robert Tauxe.2013.Emergence of salsa and guacamole as frequent vehicles of foodborne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1973–2008.Foodborne Path. and Dis. 10:316–322.
- IFT.2013.Antimicrobial resistance: Challenges and perspectives.A Scientific Status Summary of the Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL.By M. Doyle, G. H. Loneragan, H. M. Scott, R.S. Singer.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety12(2): 234–248.Available from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1541-4337.12008/pdf