Quick Facts
Lora Leigh (born March 6, 1965 in Ohio and raised in Martin County, Kentucky, US) is a New York Times bestselling author of erotic romance novels. Leigh started publishing with electronic publisher Ellora's Cave in 2003. Leigh's longest running series is The Breeds. She won the 2009 RT Award for erotica.
Critical reception for Leigh's books have been mixed over the years. Romantic Times reviewed Soul Deep (Breed Series) giving it two stars out of five for an overabundance of plot contrivances, but giving Lion's Heat a four and a half star rating. Publishers Weekly has both praised (Maverick) and panned (Legally Hot) Leigh's work. Dear Author panned Leigh's work, citing Leigh's Menage a Magick (Ellora Cave Publishing) that the world building was "perfunctory".International Business Times News called Deadly Sins "a fun guilty pleasure". Library Journal noticed the "unvarnished language of erotica" of Coyote's Mate
Fan events
Leigh organizes various events to promote her work and connect with fans.She holds an annual Reader's Appreciation Weekend for her fans; the 2010 event in Huntington, W.Va was her fourth.She also hosts discussion groups on her work.