Isabel Benjumea
Quick Facts
Born on September 5, 1982 in Madrid, graduated in Law and International Relations at Universidad Comillas (ICADE).
She spent her first year of professional career in Washington DC, where she worked at the World Bank implementing transparency and accountability programs for local governments in Latin America. After, she worked in the international relations department of the FAES Foundation. It was in 2011 when she decided to undertake his first business project in the tourism sector, Greatness, which she directed until 2017. In 2018 she joined as a partner of the strategic consulting firm IANUS Group. Currently, she teaches in the Entrepreneurship degree at Francisco Marroquín University in Madrid.
Benjumea, member of the Popular Party (PP), became part of the cabinet of President Pablo Casado as deputy head in 2019. Since July 2019, she has been MEP after having been included as a candidate in number 10 of the PP list for the elections in the European Parliament of May 2019 in Spain. At this time, she is Vice President in the Committee on Regional Development, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Delegation in the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee and the Delegation in the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.She is also a member of the URBAN Intergroup.
Isabel Benjumea is co-founder of the Red Floridablanca, a liberal-conservative think-tank from which she published numerous articles in the Spanish press.