Quick Facts
Hartosh Singh Bal is currently the political editor of The Caravan magazine. Bal was the political editor of OPEN magazine when OPEN first brought to public attention the existence of the Radia tapes. Bal is often accused of being a Khalistani Bigot which he admitted in a panel discussion organized by Newslaundry, he denies the charges though.[1]
Bal has co-written a novel called A Certain Ambiguity which won the 2007 Association of American Publishers award for the best professional/scholarly book in mathematics. Bal went on to write another book--"Waters close over us"—which is partly a travelogue featuring Bal's travels on the Narmada river, and partly a sociological, political, artistic, historical, and anthropological commentary on the culture of this region.
Fired from OPEN magazine
In November 2013, Bal was controversially fired from his position of political editor of OPEN magazine. In an interview, OPEN's former Editor Manu Joseph revealed that the magazine's proprietor, Sanjiv Goenka, had told Joseph that Bal's views, expressed in his writings and in television appearances, were resulting in him "making a lot of... political enemies."