George Cyril Abdullah
Quick Facts
George Cyril Abdullah (9 August 1919 – 6 August 1984) was an Aboriginal community leader. He promoted Indigenous rights by participating in a number of Perth organisations and committees.
Personal life
George Cyril Abdullah was born in Guildford, Western Australia and was the youngest of the five children of Joseph Benedict Abdul and Mary Salina. George's father, Joseph Benedict Abdu, was a laborer from Kolkata, India and his Indigenous mother Mary Salina.
Political Activities
George started working with South Australian Railways in 1946. While working with the Railways as a laborer, truck driver, and linesman, George started promoting aboriginal rights. He went on to become a freelance welfare worker for aboriginal people traveling across the country speaking about the plight of Indigenous Australians.
George fought for 40 years for equal rights for Indigenous people. He died on 6 August 1984 at Nedlands (Perth) of a heart disease.