Quick Facts

Andy Towle /ˈtoʊl/) is an American blogger and media commentator based in New York City. Towle, who is gay, started his blog Towleroad in 2003. The blog focuses on gays, pop culture, photography, politics, media, entertainment, technology, and travel.
He holds two B.A.s from Vassar College in Art History and English. He was awarded the W.K. Rose Fellowship in the Creative Arts by Vassar, a Wallace Stegner graduate fellowship at Stanford University, and two writing fellowships at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts. While in Provincetown he produced poetry, and worked as a pool boy and a bartender at The Boatslip. After moving to New York in 1992, he became a bartender and later a manager at the 1990s Chelsea gay bar Splash. He returned to New York in 2004 after living first in Hong Kong (where he was for several years partnered with Amazing Race winner Chip Arndt) and later in Los Angeles.

Towle used to be the editor in chief of Genre magazine, a North American gay men's lifestyle publication, and editor at large for The Out Traveler, an American gay travel quarterly.
Towle's poetry appeared in The Paris Review in 2001, and in Poetry Magazine on many occasions from 1988 through 1997.