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Adolf Fischbach
German officer and Knight's Cross recipient

Adolf Fischbach

The basics

Quick Facts

German officer and Knight's Cross recipient
Work field
Place of birth
Ulm, Germany
Place of death
Hamburg, Germany
52 years
Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
German Cross in Gold
The details (from wikipedia)


The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) and its variants were the highest awards in the military and paramilitary forces of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded for a wide range of reasons and across all ranks, from a senior commander for skilled leadership of his troops in battle to a low-ranking soldier for a single act of extreme gallantry. A total of 7,321 awards were made between its first presentation on 30 September 1939 and its last bestowal on 17 June 1945. This number is based on the analysis and acceptance of the order commission of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Presentations were made to members of the three military branches of the Wehrmacht—the Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy) and Luftwaffe (Air Force)—as well as the Waffen-SS, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD—Reich Labour Service) and the Volkssturm (German national militia). There were also 43 foreign recipients of the award.

These recipients are listed in the 1986 edition of Walther-Peer Fellgiebel's book, Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939–1945The Bearers of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross 1939–1945. Fellgiebel was the former chairman and head of the order commission of the AKCR. In 1996, the second edition of this book was published with an addendum delisting 11 of these original recipients. Author Veit Scherzer has cast doubt on a further 193 of these listings. The majority of the disputed recipients had received the award in 1945, when the deteriorating situation of Germany during the final days of World War II left a number of nominations incomplete and pending in various stages of the approval process.

Listed here are the 280 Knight's Cross recipients whose last name starts with "F". Scherzer has challenged the validity of 12 of these listings. Georg-Wolfgang Feller, a 13th doubted recipient, is listed by the AKCR. However, the AKCR itself challenges his listing. The recipients are ordered alphabetically by last name. The rank listed is the recipient's rank at the time the Knight's Cross was awarded.


The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grades were based on four separate enactments. The first enactment, Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1573 of 1 September 1939 instituted the Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz), the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes). Article 2 of the enactment mandated that the award of a higher class be preceded by the award of all preceding classes. As the war progressed, some of the recipients of the Knight's Cross distinguished themselves further and a higher grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub), was instituted. The Oak Leaves, as they were commonly referred to, were based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 849 of 3 June 1940. In 1941, two higher grades of the Knight's Cross were instituted. The enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 introduced the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten). At the end of 1944 the final grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten), based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11 of 29 December 1944, became the final variant of the Knight's Cross authorized.


Service  Number of presentationsPosthumous presentations

The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) kept separate Knight's Cross lists, one for each of the three military branches, Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy), Luftwaffe (Air Force) and Waffen-SS. Within each of these lists a unique sequential number was assigned to each recipient. The same numbering paradigm was applied to the higher grades of the Knight's Cross, one list per grade. Of the 280 awards made to servicemen whose last name starts with "F", 25 were later awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and three the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords; 21 presentations were made posthumously. Heer members received 179 of the medals; 17 went to the Kriegsmarine, 65 to the Luftwaffe, and 19 to the Waffen-SS.

  This along with the + (plus) indicates that a higher grade of Knight's Cross was awarded as well.
  This along with an * (asterisk) indicates that the Knight's Cross was awarded posthumously.
  This along with the ! (exclamation mark) indicates that author Walther-Peer Fellgiebel has expressed doubt regarding the veracity or formal correctness of the listing.
  This along with the ? (question mark) indicates that author Veit Scherzer has expressed doubt regarding the veracity or formal correctness of the listing.

NameServiceRankRole and unitDate of awardNotesImage
Hans FaaschHeer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 16418 November 1941
Heinz-Otto Fabian+Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 53415 March 1943Awarded 522nd Oak Leaves 9 July 1944
Maximilian Fabich?Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Panzer-Füsilier-Regiment "Großdeutschland"9 May 1945
Albert FabritiusHeer09-HWachtmeisterCompany troop leader in the 8./Grenadier-Regiment 4049 February 1945
Ernst FachLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 9.(Eis)/Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow"3 September 1943*Killed in flying accident 15 May 1943
Siegfried FacklerHeer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesChief of the 14.(Panzerjäger)/Grenadier-Regiment 5212 November 1943
Wilhelm FahlbuschLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantChief of the 8./Flak-Regiment 11 (motorized)31 December 1941
Wolfgang FahrenbergHeer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesLeader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 42617 September 1944
Alfred FahrenholzHeer10-HOberwachtmeisterZugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./Artillerie-Regiment 2405 May 1943
Wilhelm FahrmbacherHeer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 5. Infanterie-Division24 June 1940
Wolfgang FalckLuftwaffe15-LMajorGeschwaderkommodore of Nachtjagdgeschwader 11 October 1940
Ernst FalkHeer04-HObergefreiterMessenger in the 10./Grenadier-Regiment 6130 September 1944
Günter von FalkenhaynHeer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 7./Jäger-Regiment 7525 November 1942
Wilhelm FalleyHeer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 426 November 1941
Günther FamulaHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesZugführer (platoon leader) in the V./Grenadier-Regiment "Großdeutschland" (Panzer-Kampfgruppe Graf Strachwitz)4 May 1944*Died of wounds 22 April 1944
Georg FanderlLuftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 1./Kampfgeschwader 5124 January 1942
Friedrich FangohrHeer19-HGeneralleutnantChief of the Generalstab Panzer-AOK 49 June 1944
Walter FaselHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 14.(Panzerjäger)/Füsilier-Regiment 2631 August 1943
Horst-Günther von FassongLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the III./Jagdgeschwader 1127 July 1944
Fridolin FathLuftwaffe15-LMajorDeputy Gruppenkommandeur of the IV./Kampfgeschwader z.b.V. 123 December 1942
Karl FaulhaberHeer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 28219 December 1943
Markus FaulhaberWaffen-SS13-WSS-ObersturmführerChief of the 3./SS-Infanterie-Regiment "Germania"25 December 1942
Dr. Klaus FaulmüllerHeer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 7./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 1325 June 1943
Fritz FaustHeer04-HObergefreiterIn the 3./Füssilier-Regiment 2620 August 1942
Fritz FechnerHeer15-HMajorCommander of the III./Panzer-Regiment 236 October 1943
Konrad FechnerLuftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 6./Sturzkampfgeschwader 774 May 1944
Karl-August von der FechtLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 2./Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow"30 December 1942
Waldemar FegeleinWaffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerLeader of SS-Reiter-Regiment 216 December 1943
Gustav FehnHeer17-HOberstCommander of Schützen-Regiment 335 August 1940
Erich FehrHeer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 50426 January 1944
Siegfried FehreHeer12-HLeutnantVorgeschobener Beobachter (forward observer) in the 10./Artillerie-Regiment 12613 December 1942
Paul FeiertagHeer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in the 3./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 9630 September 1944
Georg FeigHeer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 3./Schützen-Regiment 1134 October 1941
Hans FelberHeer20-HGeneral der InfanterieCommanding general of the XIII. Armeekorps17 September 1941
Paul FelderLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 1.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 12129 February 1944
Wendelin FelderHeer13-HOberleutnantBattery chief in the IV./Artillerie-Regiment 8523 February 1944*Missing in action 23 October 1943
Heinrich FeldkampHeer10-HOberwachtmeisterZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Heeres-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 34114 April 1945
Alfred FeldmannHeer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 45420 August 1942
Klaus Feldt+Kriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur SeeCommander of Schnellboot S-30 in the 2. Schnellbootflottille25 April 1941Awarded 362nd Oak Leaves 1 January 1944
Kurt FeldtHeer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 1. Kavallerie-Division23 August 1941
Rudolf FelgenhauerHeer09-HFahnenjunker-FeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment Gruppe 3859 June 1944
Waldemar FelgenhauerLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 2.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 12314 January 1942
Fritz FellerHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 1./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 523 February 1944
Georg-Wolfgang Feller!Kriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur See of the ReservesGroup leader in the 36. Minensuchflottille17 June 1945
Leopold FellererLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the II./Nachtjagdgeschwader 58 April 1944
Walther-Peer FellgiebelHeer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 2./leichtes Heeres Artillerie-Abteilung 935 (motorized)7 September 1943
[Dr.] Erich FellmannHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 4096 April 1943
Konrad FelsHeer04-HObergefreiterGroup leader in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 2323 October 1944
Peter FeltenHeer04-HObergefreiterMessenger in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 37712 August 1944
Maximilian Felzmann+Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 251. Infanterie-Division28 November 1943Awarded 643rd Oak Leaves 3 November 1944
Henri Joseph FenetWaffen-SS14-WWaffen-HauptsturmführerCommander of the assault battalion in the 33. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Charlemagne"29 April 1945
Dr. rer.pol. Paul FennKriegsmarine17-MKapitän zur See (M.A.)Commander of Marine-Flak-Regiment 925 March 1945
Günther FenskiHeer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Panzer-Regiment 831 December 1941*Died of wounds 23 November 1941
Horst-Arno FenskiKriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur SeeCommander of U-41026 November 1943
[Dr.] Hans Fernau?Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment (motorized) "Feldherrnhalle"4 May 1945
Fritz Feßmann+Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesZugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 727 October 1941Awarded 170th Oak Leaves 4 January 1943
103rd Swords 23 October 1944
Alois FeuererHeer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 2./Infanterie-Regiment 35127 January 1942
Gerhard FeukerHeer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 53 (motorized)23 December 1942*Killed in action 30 November 1942
Valentin FeursteinHeer20-HGeneral der GebirgstruppeCommanding general of the LI. Gebirgsarmeekorps12 August 1944
Willi Fey?Waffen-SS09-WSS-OberscharführerPanzer commander in the schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 50229 April 1945
Gerhard FeyerabendHeer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 11. Infanterie-Division5 April 1945
Ernst FickLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 6./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"19 September 1942*Killed in action 27 July 1942
Jacob FickWaffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the I./SS-Kradschützen-Regiment "Langemarck"23 April 1943
Helmut FickelLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantStaffelführer of the Stabsstaffel of the III./Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"9 June 1944
Martin Fiebig+Luftwaffe17-LOberstGeschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 4 "General Wever"8 May 1940Awarded 168th Oak Leaves 23 December 1942
Wilhelm FiedererHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesChief of the 5./Infanterie-Regiment 16414 September 1942
Alex FiedlerHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesZugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 200 (motorized)16 October 1944
Hans FiedlerHeer14-HRittmeisterLeader of Aufklärungs-Abteilung 11826 December 1944
Hans FiedlerHeer10-HOberfeldwebelCompany troop leader in the 9./Grenadier-Regiment 30918 February 1945
Johann FiedlerWaffen-SS06-WSS-UnterscharführerZugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6 "Theodor Eicke"16 June 1944
Walter FiedlerHeer03-HGefreiterTelephone operator in the Stabsbatterie (staff battery) of the II./Artillerie-Regiment 21928 December 1944
Ernst FiliusLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelRadio operator in the I./Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"4 May 1944
Friedrich FilzingerHeer15-HMajorCommander of the III./Artillerie-Regiment 85 June 1940
Kurt FimmenKriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur SeeCommander of Schnellboot S-26 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille14 August 1940
Herbert FindeisenLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannPilot and observer in the 2.(H)/Nahaufklärungs-Gruppe 429 February 1944
Arthur FingerHeer17-HOberstCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 30616 November 1943
Günter FinkLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 8./Jagdgeschwader 5414 March 1943
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes FinkLuftwaffe17-LOberstGeschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 220 June 1940
Josef FinkHeer03-HGefreiterGroup leader in Grenadier-Bataillon 106 "Feldherrnhalle"9 December 1944
Karl-Heinrich FinkHeer12-HLeutnantAdjutant of the II./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 11320 February 1943
Wilhelm FinkbeinerHeer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 14720 July 1944
Andreas FinkeLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 6.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 1226 December 1944*Killed on active service 2 September 1944
Heinz FinkeHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 51 (motorized)4 May 1944
Adolf FischbachLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 4./Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelcke"29 February 1944
Adolf FischerHeer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 4594 May 1944
Alfred Fischer?Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the II./SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 11 "Nordland"11 May 1945
Erich FischerHeer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 1./Sturm-Regiment 1431 March 1943
Erwin Fischer+Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 1.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 12121 April 1941Awarded 191st Oak Leaves 8 February 1943
Franz FischerHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Führer-Panzer-Regiment 1 of the Führer-Begleit-Division30 April 1945
Friedrich FischerHeer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 2787 April 1944
Gerhard FischerHeer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 8./Panzer-Regiment 2328 December 1943
Gerhard FischerWaffen-SS06-WSS-UnterscharführerDeputy Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./SS-Panzer-Jagd-Abteilung 5 "Wiking"4 May 1944
Gotthard FischerHeer17-HOberstLeader of the 126. Infanterie-Division7 February 1944
Hans FischerHeer04-HObergefreiterGroup leader in the 6./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 1439 December 1944
Hans-Ulrich FischerHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 11./Infanterie-Regiment 43123 October 1941
Heinz FischerLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 9./Sturzkampfgeschwader 125 November 1942*Killed in action 26 October 1942
Hermann FischerHeer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 3409 May 1940
Hermann-Georg FischerHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 108210 February 1945
Josef FischerHeer15-HMajorCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 5076 August 1943
Karl-Heinz FischerKriegsmarine06-MSteuermannsmaatCoxswain on Vorpostenboot VP-711 in the 7. Vorpostenbootflottille3 May 1943
Michael FischerLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantBattery chief in the I./Flak-Regiment 14 (motorized)8 April 1943
Otto FischerHeer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 156 (motorized)27 August 1943
Robert FischerHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the Jagdpanzer-Kompanie 125729 April 1945
Siegfried FischerLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 8./Schlachtgeschwader 128 February 1945
Dr. phil. Walther FischerKriegsmarine15-MKorvettenkapitän of the ReservesChief of the 13. Vorpostenflottille8 May 1943
Wilhelm FischerHeer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 2428 March 1945
Wolfgang Fischer+Heer17-HOberstCommander of the 10. Schützen-Brigade3 June 1940Awarded 152nd Oak Leaves 9 December 1942
Walther Fischer von WeikersthalHeer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 35. Infanterie-Division6 August 1941
Josef-August Fitz+Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 7411 December 1942Awarded 511th Oak Leaves 24 June 1944
Josef FitzekHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 48216 June 1943
Karl FitznerLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantStaffelführer of the 1./Sturzkampfgeschwader 7727 November 1942
Bernhard Flachs+Heer14-HHauptmannIa (German abbreviation for Eins-A or Erster Generalstabsoffizier—One-A; first officer of the general staff responsible for operations) in the Stab of Artillerie-Kommandant (Arko) 14930 October 1942Awarded 381st Oak Leaves 31 January 1944
Werner FlackHeer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 12./Jäger-Regiment 4922 August 1943
Eugen FladHeer03-HGefreiterMachine gunner in the 2.(Radfahr)/Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 25220 July 1944
Kurt FladHeer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 6./Artillerie-Regiment 21920 December 1943
Rudolf FlebbeHeer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 9./Artillerie-Regiment 21829 November 1944
Willi FlechnerLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 5./Kampfgeschwader 3013 August 1942
Gerhard FlechsigHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the Stabskompanie/Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1218 November 1944
Hermann FleckHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 2709 January 1945
Hubert FleckensteinHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the Stabskompanie/Grenadier-Regiment 10631 January 1944
Erwin FleigLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 2./Jagdgeschwader 5112 August 1941
Karl FleigeKriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur SeeCommander of U-1818 July 1944
Hermann FleischerHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Infanterie-Regiment 51729 October 1942
Rudolf Fleischer?Heer15-HMajorCommander of Heeres-Flak-Abteilung 3149 May 1945
Josef FleischmannHeer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 9931 March 1942*Died of wounds 3 March 1942
Ludwig FleischmannHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 6./Jäger-Regiment 20717 December 1943
Hermann FlexHeer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 33712 March 1943
Peter FließbachHeer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 4./Artillerie-Regiment 2320 December 1941
Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Flinzer+Heer16-HOberstleutnant of the ReservesCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 3176 April 1943Awarded 575th Oak Leaves 5 September 1944
Paul Flocke?Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 91530 April 1945*Killed in action 1 March 1945
Josef FlögelLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 3./Nachtschlacht-Gruppe 519 February 1945
Hans-Joachim FloerHeer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 1.(gepanzert)/Panzergrenadier-Regiment 255 March 1945
Hermann Flörke+Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 14. Infanterie-Division15 December 1943Awarded 565th Oak Leaves 2 September 1944
Gerhard FlorinHeer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the II./Schützen-Regiment 1112 February 1942
Wilhelm Florschütz?Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of Volks-Pionier-Brigade 47 (motorized)9 May 1945
Jürgen von FlotowHeer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 1./Schützen-Regiment 825 August 1941*Died of wounds 20 August 1941
Hans FlügelWaffen-SS14-WSS-Hauptsturmführer of the ReservesLeader of the II./SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 "Wiking"16 October 1944
Otto FlügelKriegsmarine06-MSteuermannsmaat of the ReservesCoxswain on Vorpostenboot VP-1525 in the 15. Vorpostenflottille3 May 1943
Friedrich FluhsHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 2554 November 1943
Dr. phil. Fritz FockeHeer15-HMajor of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 36828 March 1945
Adrian Baron von FoelkersamHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesAdjutant in the Stab of the I./Lehr-Regiment z.b.V. 800 "Brandenburg"14 September 1942
Otto FönnekoldLuftwaffe09-LFahnenjunker-FeldwebelPilot in the II./Jagdgeschwader 5226 March 1944
Ernst FördererHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 108211 March 1945
Friedrich FörsterHeer14-HHauptmannLeader of Kampfgruppe "Derrer"24 December 1944
Hans-Joachim FörsterKriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur SeeCommander of U-48018 December 1944
Helmuth FörsterLuftwaffe20-LGeneral der FliegerCommanding general of the I. Fliegerkorps22 February 1942
Otto-Hermann FörsterHeer20-HGeneral der PioniereCommanding general of the VI. Armeekorps23 August 1941
Otto-Lutz FörsterLuftwaffe17-LOberstLuftwaffentransportführer (air transport leader) with Luftflotte 423 December 1942
Hermann FoertschHeer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 21. Infanterie-Division27 August 1944
Josef FözöLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the II./Jagdgeschwader 512 July 1941
Richard FoldenauerHeer04-HObergefreiterCompany messenger in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 46012 November 1943
Ulrich FolkersKriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of U-12527 March 1943
Otto FondermannHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Schützen-Regiment 7913 October 1941
Heinz ForgatschLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the Kampfgruppe 80614 June 1941
Werner Forst+Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 106. Infanterie-Division29 August 1943Awarded 407th Oak Leaves 22 February 1944
Gustav ForstmannKriegsmarine15-MKorvettenkapitänChief of the 1. Räumbootflottille28 July 1941
Rupert ForstnerHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 19 "List"3 November 1944
Siegfried Freiherr von ForstnerKriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of U-4029 February 1943
Horst FortunHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Panzer-Regiment 257 August 1943*Killed in action 6 July 1943
Hans-Werner ForwerkHeer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesLeader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 18714 April 1945
Hans FrachLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 6./Kampfgeschwader 5129 October 1944
Edmund FrancoisLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of Panzergrenadier-Brigade "von Werthern" in the Fallschirm-Panzer-Division "Herman Göring"20 October 1944
Gustav FrancsiLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the I./Nachtjagdgeschwader 10029 October 1944
Dr. rer.pol. Friedrich FranekHeer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 4054 November 1941
Anton-Otto Frank+Heer14-HHauptmannChief of the 1./Panzer-Jagd-Abteilung (SF) 1526 June 1944Awarded 737th Oak Leaves 7 February 1945
Erich FrankHeer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 11624 June 1944
Hans-Dieter Frank+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 2./Nachtjagdgeschwader 120 June 1943Awarded 417th Oak Leaves 2 March 1944
Heinz Frank+Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 3./Sturzkampfgeschwader 13 September 1942Awarded 172nd Oak Leaves 8 January 1943
Otto FrankHeer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 27818 October 1943
Robert FrankWaffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the II./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 20 "Hohenstaufen"4 June 1944*Killed in action 13 April 1944
Rudolf Frank+Luftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 2./Nachtjagdgeschwader 36 April 1944Awarded 531st Oak Leaves 20 July 1944
Walter FrankHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) of the 2./schwere Panzer-Jagd-Abteilung 6667 February 1944
Adolf FrankeHeer06-HUnteroffizierIn the Wach-Regiment "Großdeutschland" in the fortress Berlin26 April 1945
Alfred FrankeLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 2./Jagdgeschwader 5329 October 1942*Killed in action 9 September 1942
Heinz FrankeKriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of U-26230 November 1943
Herbert FrankeHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Artillerie-Regiment 1625 October 1943
Kurt FrankeWaffen-SS10-WSS-HauptscharführerShock troops leader in the 11./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6 "Theodor Eicke"3 October 1943
Werner FrankenLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the I./Kampfgeschwader 2624 March 1943
Wilhelm FrankenKriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of U-56530 April 1943
Erwin FrankenfeldHeer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 1./Jäger-Regiment 4923 March 1945
Bruno Frankewitz+Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 215. Infanterie-Division29 February 1944Awarded 790th Oak Leaves 16 March 1945
Gotthard FrantzLuftwaffe19-LGeneralleutnantCommander of the 19. Flak-Division (motorized tropical) "Afrika"18 May 1943
Peter Frantz+Heer13-HOberleutnantAssault gun commander in the 16./Infanterie-Regiment "Großdeutschland" (motorized)4 June 1942Awarded 228th Oak Leaves 14 April 1943
Botho von FrantziusHeer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 5044 November 1941
Egon FranzWaffen-SS06-WSS-UnterscharführerZugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 9 "Germania"16 October 1944
Gerhard FranzHeer16-HOberstleutnant im GeneralstabIa (operations officer) of the 29. Infanterie-Division (motorized)24 July 1941
[Prof. Dr.] Ludwig FranzisketLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantAdjutant of the I./Jagdgeschwader 2720 July 1941
Ernst FrapsHeer04-HObergefreiterRichtschütze (gunner) in the 2./Panzer-Jagd-Abteilung 2818 May 1942
Fritz FrauenheimKriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of U-10129 August 1940
Franz FrauscherWaffen-SS10-WSS-HauptscharführerZugführer (platoon leader) in the 4./SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 "Das Reich"31 December 1944
Ferdinand FrechHeer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 1./Jäger-Bataillon 25 December 1943
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard FredeboldHeer15-HMajor of the ReservesCommander of the III./Infanterie-Regiment 19130 August 1942
Andrejs FreimanisWaffen-SS13-WWaffen-ObersturmführerLeader of the 13./Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment der SS 44 (lett. Nr. 6)5 May 1945
Bruno FreitagLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 3./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"5 October 1941
Max FremereyHeer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 29. Infanterie-Division (motorized)28 July 1942
Günther FrenzelLuftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 11./Kampfgeschwader z.b.V. 123 December 1942
Ernst FreseHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 86927 August 1944
Maximilian Fretter-Pico+Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 97. leichte Infanterie-Division26 December 1941Awarded 368th Oak Leaves 16 January 1944
Simon FreutsmiedlHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 9./Jäger-Regiment 20426 August 1943
Wilhelm FreuwörthLuftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 2./Jagdgeschwader 525 January 1943
Karl FrewerHeer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 16712 November 1943
Albert Frey+Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the I./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"3 March 1943Awarded 359th Oak Leaves 20 December 1943
[Prof. Dr.] Emil FreyHeer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 2205 September 1944
Harry FreyLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantStaffelführer of the 7./Kampfgeschwader 65 December 1943*Missing in action 11 July 1943
Hugo FreyLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 7./Jagdgeschwader 114 May 1944*Killed in action 6 March 1944
Siegfried FreyerHeer09-HWachtmeisterZugführer (platoon leader) of the 4./Panzer-Regiment 2423 July 1942
Siegfried FreytagLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the I./Jagdgeschwader 773 July 1942
Ernst-August Fricke+Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 7./Infanterie-Regiment 76 (motorized)17 January 1942Awarded 341st Oak Leaves 30 November 1943
Kurt FrickeKriegsmarine20-MAdmiralChief-of-staff in the Seekriegsleitung in the Oberkommando der Marine1 October 1942
Erwin FriebHeer12-HLeutnantZugführer (platoon leader) and Vorgeschobener Beobachter (forward observer) in the 1./Artillerie-Regiment 155819 February 1945
Helmut FriebeHeer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 16413 August 1941
Werner FriebeHeer17-HOberstLeader of an armoured unit of the 8. Panzer-Division21 April 1944
Herbert FriebelLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 12./Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders"24 January 1943
Herbert FriedelHeer09-HWachtmeisterZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 23223 August 1944
Friedrich FriedmannHeer17-HOberstCommander of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 14412 February 1943
Theodor FriedmannHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Artillerie-Regiment 15615 August 1940
Erich FriedrichHeer10-HOberfeldwebelCompany troop leader in the 1./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 332 September 1944
Gerhard Friedrich+Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 136 April 1943Awarded 642nd Oak Leaves 3 November 1944
Gerhard FriedrichLuftwaffe15-LMajorGruppenkommandeur of the I./Nachtjagdgeschwader 615 March 1945
Gustav FriedrichHeer14-HRittmeisterChief of the 6./Reiter-Regiment 313 November 1944
Kurt FriedrichHeer14-HHauptmannLeader of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 52513 September 1943
Max FriedrichHeer04-HObergefreiterDeputy group leader in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 55815 March 1944
Max FriedrichHeer13-HOberleutnantChief of the pioneer company of Division Nr. 408 in Kampfgruppe Jollasse23 March 1945
Rudolf FriedrichHeer04-HObergefreiterDeputy group leader in the 9./Grenadier-Regiment 361 (motorized)6 October 1944
Werner FriedrichHeer15-HMajorLeader of Grenadier-Regiment 50326 December 1943*Killed in action 23 December 1943
Gustav FrielinghausLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the IV./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet"5 February 1944
Anton FriesHeer10-HOberfeldwebelLeader of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 112328 February 1945*Killed in action 6 February 1945
Herbert FriesLuftwaffe03-LGefreiterGun leader in the 2./Fallschirm-Panzer-Jagd-Abteilung 15 September 1944
Leonhard FriesHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the II./Grenadier-Regiment 108414 February 1945
Walter Fries+Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 87 (motorized)14 December 1941Awarded 378th Oak Leaves 29 January 1944
87th Swords 11 August 1944
Dr. med. August FrikerHeer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 4804 September 1943
Helmut FrinkHeer14-HHauptmannChief of the 9./Artillerie-Regiment 25121 October 1943*Killed in action 28 August 1943
Heinz FritschHeer06-HUnteroffizierIn the 2./Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 3718 October 1941
Hans Fritsche+Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 52810 March 1943Awarded 307th Oak Leaves 2 October 1943
[Dr.] Herbert FritzHeer14-HHauptmannChief of the 16./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 1317 March 1944
Heinz FritzlerHeer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 1./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 1105 December 1943
Immo FritzscheLuftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 8./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"16 April 1943
Bruno FröhlichHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 43022 January 1943*Died of wounds 16 December 1942
Karl FröhlichHeer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 2./Panzer-Abteilung 1828 September 1943
Kurt Fröhlich?Waffen-SS14-WSS-HauptsturmführerLeader of the II./SS-Panzer-Regiment 9 "Hohenstaufen"6 May 1945
Stefan FröhlichLuftwaffe18-LGeneralmajorGeschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 764 July 1940
Gottfried FröhlichHeer17-HOberstLeader of the 8. Panzer-Division20 December 1943
Walter FrommLuftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of the I./Flak-Regiment 33 (motorized) im DAK9 July 1941
Rolf FrommeHeer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 3./Panzer-Regiment 129 September 1941
Erich FronhöferHeer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Panzer-Regiment 1024 July 1941
Rupert FrostLuftwaffe15-LMajorGruppenkommandeur of Nachtschlacht-Gruppe 925 November 1944
Willi FrostHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 4./Panzer-Regiment 1524 September 1943
Werner FrotscherHeer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 42211 March 1945
Carl-Heinz FrühaufWaffen-SS14-WSS-Hauptsturmführer of the ReservesLeader of the II./niederl. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 49 "De Ruyter"4 June 1944
August FuchsHeer14-HHauptmannLeader of a Kampfgruppe in Feld-Ersatz-Bataillon 29918 February 1945
Jakob FuchsHeer06-HUnteroffizierZugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 12423 October 1944
Dipl.-Ing. Robert FuchsLuftwaffe17-LOberstGeschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 266 April 1940
Rudolf FuchsHeer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 4226 August 1943
Siegfried FuchsHeer09-HFeldwebelZugführer (platoon leader) in the 12./Jäger-Regiment 7515 May 1944*Died of wounds 11 April 1944
Heinrich FüllgrabeLuftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 9./Jagdgeschwader 522 October 1942
Benedikt FürguthHeer09-HWachtmeisterBattery officer and Vorgeschobener Beobachter (forward observer) in the 3./Artillerie-Regiment 723 September 1943
Helmut FürguthHeer17-HOberstCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 22128 July 1942
Bernhard FüttererHeer12-HLeutnantDeputy leader of a Kampfgruppe of Infanterie-Bataillon z.b.V. 56026 December 1944
Helmut FuhrhopLuftwaffe15-LMajorGruppenkommandeur of the I./Kampfgeschwader 622 November 1943
Georg FuhrmannHeer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 50113 July 1943
Fritz Fullriede+Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Kampfgruppe "Fullriede" in the Panzer-AOK 511 April 1943Awarded 803rd Oak Leaves 23 March 1945
Hans Freiherr von Funck+Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 7. Panzer-Division15 July 1941Awarded 278th Oak Leaves 22 August 1943
Alois FunkHeer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 31615 April 1944
Heinrich FunkHeer15-HMajorLeader of a Kampfgruppe in Berlin28 April 1945
Heinz FurbachHeer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 584 October 1942
Hans FußLuftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the II./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet"23 August 1942
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