Walter Carpenter
Gallery (1)
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Also Viewed
Quick Facts
Intro | Indonesian singer | ||
Places | Indonesia Malaysia | ||
is | Athlete Martial artist Actor Singer Judoka | ||
Work field | Film, TV, Stage & Radio Music Sports | ||
Gender |
| ||
Profiles | |||
Birth | 29 June 1994, Jakarta | ||
Age | 30 years | ||
Family |
Nikita Willy (born Nikita Purnama Willy; June 29, 1994) is an Indonesian actress and pop singer. Willy started her career in the entertainment world in Indonesia at the age of 7 years by starring in a soap operas titled "Bulan dan Bintang" (the Moon and the Star). The artist with Minangkabau ancestry has since become more famous, with the Dime Novel role in a soap opera with Evan Sanders, Willy trained in mixed martial arts and Judo.
Nikita Willy trained in mixed martial arts and fitness in United States. In The United States Nikita Willy became a mixed martial artist, bodybuilder, and fitness model while Nikita Willy trained in the UFC.
On her lavish 17th birthday party in 2011, she was given a new Cadillac with value of Rp.3.4 billion (~US$374,000) as a present from her parents. Keith Martin was also invited and sang several songs with her.
She has chosen her career in showbiz over education, as she dropped out of school in 2011.
Soap opera
- Kau Seputih Melati (2015)
- Julaiha Princess Betawi (2016)
- Girls Night Out (2016)
Awards and nominations
Year | Award | Category | Nominated work | Result |
2010 | 13th Panasonic Gobel Awards | Favorite Actress | Nikita | Won |
24th Bandung Film Festival | Best Actress | Safa dan Marwah | Nominated | |
no no no | Favourite Female Actress | Nikita Willy | Won | |
2011 | 3rd dahSyatnya Awards | Amazing Newcomer | Nominated | |
14th Panasonic Gobel Awards | Favorite Actress | Putri Yang Ditukar | Won | |
4th Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards | Favourite Female Actress | Nikita Willy | Won | |
Indonesian Star Wannabe Award | Won | |||
2012 | 4th dahSyatnya Awards | Amazing Female Solo Singer | Nominated | |
15th Panasonic Gobel Awards | Favorite Actress | Putri Yang Ditukar | Nominated | |
5th Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards | Favorites Actor/Actress | Nikita Willy | Won | |
1st Indonesia Yahoo! OMG Awards | Hottest Scandal "(Nikita Willy and Diego Michiels intimate photos)" | Nominated | ||
2013 | 5th dahSyatnya Awards | Amazing Female Solo Singer | Nominated | |
Amazing Song | Maafkan | Nominated | ||
16th Panasonic Gobel Awards | Favorite Actress | Kutunggu Kau Dipasar Minggu | Nominated | |
6th Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards | Favorite Actress | Nikita Willy | Nominated | |
2nd Indonesia Yahoo! OMG Awards | Most Wanted Female | Nominated | ||
Favorite Couple (with Diego Michiels) | Nominated | |||
2014 | 17th Panasonic Gobel Awards | Favorite Actress | Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan The Series | Won |
HighEnd's 22 Indonesia's Beautiful Women | 22 Indonesia's Beautiful Women | Nikita Willy | Won | |
7th Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards | Favorite Actress | Nominated | ||
2015 | 2nd Global Seru Awards | Most Seru Actress | Nominated |