Quick Facts
Viviana Piñeiro Rodríguez is the President of International Union of Socialist Youth since March 2010, recently re-elected during the XXIX World Congress of the organization, for the period 2012-2014.
She is also the current Secretary of National Relations, member of the Central Committee and the National Executive Board of the Partido Socialista del Uruguay.
From a family with a long tradition in the socialism, she began her political life at the age of 12, since her link with the socialist youth activism in the city of Tacuarembó.
Since 2002 and until 2011 was a member of the National Board and the National Executive Board of the Juventud Socialista del Uruguay, where she served as National Secretary of Structure and National Secretary for International Relations.
Since 2008 she has served as an elected member of the Central Committee of the Partido Socialista del Uruguay. She's currently member of the National Executive Board of the Party, and serves as Subsecretariat of National Relations of the PS, being the representative of the Socialist Party in the Political Bureau of the Frente Amplio coalition.
With an education in Political Science at the University of the Republic, she has worked at the government level since 2009, initially in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security on topics relating to employment policies and youth policies, and currently in Education Training Council.
In 2008 she was elected Vice President of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), and since March 2010 serves as President of the global organization, being reelected in April 2012 for the period 2012 to 2014.
For her role as President of the IUSY, is currently Vice President of the Socialist International.