Utaybah bin Abu Lahab
Quick Facts
Son of Abū Lahab, he married Muhammad's third daughter Umm Kulthum, but divorced her before the marriage was consummated on his father's request. He was Muhammad's cousin.
'Utaibah bin Abi Lahab once approached the Prophet and most defiantly andbrazenly shouted at him, "I disbelieve in: "By the star when it goes down." [53:1] and in "Then he(Gabriel) approached and came closer." [53:8] In other words: "I do not believe in any of the Qur'ân."
He then started to deal highhandedly with Muhammad and laid violent hand on him, tore his shirt and spat into his face but his saliva missed the Holy face of the Prophet. Thereupon, the Prophet invoked Allâh's wrath on 'Utaibah andsupplicated:
"O Allâh! Set one of Your dogs on him."
Once 'Utaibah with some of his compatriots from Quraish set out for Syria and took accommodation in Az -Zarqa'. A lion approached the group and snatched the son of Abu Lahab from amongst his people and crushed his head.
In August 2011, researchers from the Hashemite University of the Queen Rania Institute for Tourism and Heritage were able to discover the historical site where the death occurred in the valley of Zarqa in Jordan, now known as the "Jannaa'ah" area adjacent to the stream of Zarqa.