Thomas Streicher
Quick Facts
Thomas Streicher is a Professor of Mathematics at Technische Universität Darmstadt. He received his PhD in 1988 from the University of Passau with advisor Manfred Broy.
His research interests include categorical logic, domain theory and Martin-Löf type theory.
In joint work with Martin Hofmann he constructed a model for intensional Martin-Löf type theory where identity types are interpreted as groupoids. This was the first model with non-trivial identity types, i.e. other than sets. Based on this workother models with non-trivial identity types were studied, including homotopy type theory which has been proposed as a foundation for mathematics in Vladimir Voevodsky's research program Univalent Foundations of Mathematics.
Together with Martin Hofmann he received the 2014 LICS Test-of-Time Award for the paper "The groupoid model refutes uniqueness of identity proofs".