T. Mariappa
Quick Facts
T. Mariappa was a finance minister of Mysore State, India. He was also a member of the first Backward Classes Commission, set up in 1953 by the Government of India to investigate and advise on socio-economically deprived communities in the country.
TIGALI MARIAPPA B.A L.L.B (1904 – 1964)
Freedom Fighter
Date of Birth:- 30-06-1904
Place of Birth:- Kallanakere- Beereswarapura- Nagamangala Taluk- Mandya District.
Name of the Father:- Tigali Mariappa Maistry.
Name of the Mother:- Hombalamma.
Name of Grandfather:- Tigali Mari Gowda.
Ø Tigali is a small village near Coimbatore.
Ø Tigali Mari Gowda was a Labour Contractor for Tea Estate in Ooty.
Ø Tigali Mari Gowda was also a Contractor for supply of Kambalies to Tea Estates.
Ø He migrated to Kallanakere in 19th Century in search of Laborers and for supply of Kambalies.
Ø Father of Tigali Mariappa was known by the name Tigali Mariaya Maistry.
Ø Tigali Mariya Maistry continued the business of his father Tigali Mari Gowda
Ø Tigali Mariya Maistry due to his Business association with Britisher’s took keen interest in the education of his first son Tigali Mariappa.
Ø Tigali Mariappa also continued the business of his father Tigali Mariya Maistry till 1924.
Ø Copy of the correspondence between Good Hope Estate in Ooty and Tigali Mariappa is enclosed.
Ø 1909-1920: -Primary and Secondary Education in A.V.School, Nagamangala.
Ø 1920-1924:- Maharaja’s College Mysore.
Ø 1924-1928:- Law College Pune
And was a classmate of Shri. S. Nijalingappa Chief Minister of Mysore.
Ø 1928-1947:- Advocate at Mysore in the office of the Shri. H.C. Dasappa who was
a union Railway Minister in the Cabinet of Shri. Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru and Shri. Lal bahadur shastri.
Ø 1929-1947:- Member of Representative Assembly Mysore.
Member of Legislative Council Mysore.
Leader of Constitution Assembly Mysore.
Ø 1947-1950:- Minister for Home, Mysore Railways, Mysore Army
in the cabinet of Shri. K.C. Reddy
Ø 1950-1952:- Minister for Home, Transport, Food and civil Supplies.
Ø 1952-1957:- MLA from Krishnaraja Mysore.
Ø 1953-1955:- Member and Author of the Report of
KAKA KALELKAR Commission for Backward Classes, Govt of India.
Ø 1956-1957:- Minister for Finance in the New Mysore State (Now Karnataka).
Ø 1957-1962:- MLA Nagamangala Mandya District.
Ø 1957-1962:- Minister for Finance and Sericulture-
In the Cabinet of Shri. S. Nijaligappa/ Shri. B.D. Jatti.
Other Positions Held:-
Ø 1940-1947:- President of the Labour union of K.R.Mills Mysore.
Ø 1952-1955:- President of the Labour union of Post and Telegraph Employs.
Ø 1955-1956:- General secretary Mysore Pradesh Congress Committee
Ø 1955-1956:- Director H.M.T.
Ø 1962-1964:- Director Hindustan Photo Films/ Indian Telephone Industry.
Ø 1963-1964:- Legal Adviser MICO Bangalore.
Critical Issues and Events:-
Ø 1948 :- Dr. K. M Munshi in his autobiography has admired the Handling of Hindu
Muslim Riots by T.Mariappa as minister for Home.
Ø 1955 :- The British Guiana Government in its official website has recorded the role
of T.M Mariappa as General Secretary MPCC in organizing the visit of
MR.Cheddi Jagan ,the then Chief Minister of British Guiana Government
who had come to India to seek the support of Indian People for ending
the British Rule in Guiana South America.
Recognition of Role of T.Mariappa in the State of Mysore and Karnataka
Ø 1995:- University of Mysore Awarded Phd to Mr.Narayanappa Lecture in History
on his Thesis