Susie Wild
Quick Facts
Susie Wild is a poet, short story writer, journalist and editor based in south Wales.
Born in Tooting in the south of London, Wild studied psychology at Swansea University from 1997. She continued her studies at Goldsmith's College, London, with an MA in journalism. She went on to study creative writing at Swansea University, completing her MA with distinction in 2008.
In 2010, Wild published The Art of Contraception, a collection of short stories. With it, she won the Fiction Book of the Year prize in the 2010 Welsh Icons Awards. She has contributed to a wide range of literary journals and reads her poetry in dance halls. She is currently editor for fiction and creative non-fiction at Parthian Books and lectures on creative and critical writing at the University of Gloucestershire.
Wild's novella Arrivals was published on Kindle in 2011. She has published three poems in Nu2: Memorable Firsts (2011). She is a co-organiser of the XX Women's Writing Festival in Cardiff and literary programmer of Swansea's Do Not Go Gentle festival.