peoplepill id: suga
South Korea
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13 views this week
South Korean rapper, record producer, and songwriter




Fans de BTS piden iluminar la Torre BBVA en apoyo a Suga, tras ...

Fans de BTS piden iluminar la Torre BBVA en apoyo a Suga, tras ...

Plano informativo
Plano Informativo, único periódico de San Luis Potosí, SLP que actualiza las noticias más relevantes en el instante en que suceden.
Suga, afligido, se disculpó con sus fans por conducr alcoholizado ...

Suga, afligido, se disculpó con sus fans por conducr alcoholizado ...

Después de declarar ante la policía por violar la Ley de Tráfico de Corea del Sur, apesadumbrado, el rapero y productor de Bangtan emitió un segundo ...
Suga de BTS se disculpa de nuevo por incidente en scooter Army le ...

Suga de BTS se disculpa de nuevo por incidente en scooter Army le ...

El idol acudió a Weverse para emitir de nuevo unas disculpas a quienes se hyan sentido ofendidos por su comportamiento al manejar un scooter en estado de ...
Suga de BTS vuelve a pedir perdón por conducir alcoholizado

Suga de BTS vuelve a pedir perdón por conducir alcoholizado
Con una carta escrita a mano, el integrante de la boy band de k-pop insistió en su disculpa.
Suga of BTS admits to DUI charges in police interrogation

Suga of BTS admits to DUI charges in police interrogation

Korea JoongAng Daily
BTS member Suga enters the Yongsan Police Station in central Seoul to be questioned by police on his DUI allegation on Aug. 23. [YONHAP].
Military Manpower to inspect BTS' Suga military service onsite

Military Manpower to inspect BTS' Suga military service onsite
The Military Manpower Administration will conduct an inspection to check whether BTS' Suga is faithfully performing his military service.
BTS SUGA酒駕道歉赴警局接受調查

BTS SUGA酒駕道歉赴警局接受調查

本報綜合外電報導韓團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA因酒後騎乘小型電動機車,在事發17天後首次在媒體前露面, […]
Suga shows up for questioning in DUI case following the media ...

Suga shows up for questioning in DUI case following the media ...

Asian Junkie
Let's start with that one, as hundreds of vultures circling prey reporters were left stranded yesterday when one of their own reported that Suga would attend ...
SUGA of BTS faces police investigation for drunk driving issue

SUGA of BTS faces police investigation for drunk driving issue

GMA News Online
SUGA of BTS on Friday night faced Seoul police after being charged with riding an electric scooter while under the influence earlier this August.
Suga Of BTS Invades iTunes With A Wave Of Fan-Favorite Hits

Suga Of BTS Invades iTunes With A Wave Of Fan-Favorite Hits

BTS singer Suga sees four fan-favorite songs return to the American iTunes chart, including "Snooze," "Polar," "The Last," and “Haegeum,” along with his ...
BTS' Suga says 'very sorry' over drunk e-scooter incident

BTS' Suga says 'very sorry' over drunk e-scooter incident

The Manila Times
SEOUL, South Korea — A member of K-pop megagroup BTS arrived at a South Korean police station Friday for questioning, telling reporters he was 'very sorry' ...


快訊/酒駕神隱17天!防彈SUGA「首露面道歉」 90度鞠躬:讓大家 ...

快訊/酒駕神隱17天!防彈SUGA「首露面道歉」 90度鞠躬:讓大家 ...

娛樂中心/宋亭誼報導南韓天團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA日前爆出酒駕,酒駕事件至今17天,他23日首度現身於龍山警局接受調查,在鏡頭前深深90度鞠躬:「對不起讓大家 ...
快訊/防彈Suga道歉了!酒駕神隱17天鞠躬認錯:讓大家失望了 ...

快訊/防彈Suga道歉了!酒駕神隱17天鞠躬認錯:讓大家失望了 ...

正在服替代役的韓團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA涉嫌酒後騎電動摩托車返家自摔,引發爭議。第一時間已發表聲明致歉,事發至今17天,他今(23)日晚間7時45分左右(韓國 ...
BTS SUGA酒駕後首次露面:抱歉讓各位失望

BTS SUGA酒駕後首次露面:抱歉讓各位失望

韓團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA因酒後騎乘小型電動機車引發爭議,他在事發17天後的今天晚間前往警局接受調查,事件曝光以來首次在媒體面前露面的SUGA也向粉絲及社會 ...
一週韓娛:SUGA酒駕被吊照GD成立公益基金會| 韓聯社

一週韓娛:SUGA酒駕被吊照GD成立公益基金會| 韓聯社

韓聯社首爾8月11日電【要聞回顧】防彈SUGA因酒駕被吊銷駕照;GD主導成立公益基金會;LISA入圍美MTV音樂錄影帶大獎四獎;Stray Kids亮相芝加哥洛拉帕羅扎音樂節。△...
防彈Suga拒為醉駕離隊聲稱「一杯啤酒」疑說謊- 20240811 - 娛樂

防彈Suga拒為醉駕離隊聲稱「一杯啤酒」疑說謊- 20240811 - 娛樂

【明報專訊】韓國防彈少年團(BTS)成員Suga正在服役,本月6日涉嫌醉酒駕駛電動滑板車被捕,警員即場為他進行酒精測試,證實血液酒精濃度超標,達0.227%,於是以醉駕 ...
BTS防彈少年團成員Suga涉醉駕掀爭議體內酒精濃度高達0.227%再受 ...

BTS防彈少年團成員Suga涉醉駕掀爭議體內酒精濃度高達0.227%再受 ...

韓國天團BTS(防彈少年團)成員Suga(閔玧其)於7日因醉駕電動滑板車回家,引發爭議。日前已因監控片段流出,發現其駕駛車輛疑似並非單純電動滑板車,而是設有座椅的 ...


Suga (BTS), Kim Sae Ron và các sao Hàn khốn đốn vì bia rượu

Suga (BTS), Kim Sae Ron và các sao Hàn khốn đốn vì bia rượu

Tuổi Trẻ Online
Sau đó, Suga đã lên tiếng thừa nhận và xin lỗi vì hành động của mình, thế nhưng hình ảnh nam idol vẫn bị ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng. Hình tượng bị hủy hoại. Suga ...
Đối diện mức phạt tù và sự nổi loạn của Suga BTS

Đối diện mức phạt tù và sự nổi loạn của Suga BTS

Báo Lao Động
Vụ việc Suga lái xe khi say rượu khiến nam thần tượng đối mặt với làn sóng chỉ trích dữ dội, thậm chí bị yêu cầu rời BTS.
BTS lao đao vì scandal lái xe khi say xỉn của Suga

BTS lao đao vì scandal lái xe khi say xỉn của Suga

Báo Thanh Niên
Suga bị kêu gọi rời khỏi BTS vì lùm xùm lái xe máy điện khi say xỉn và nói dối. Các thành viên BTS được cho là cũng chịu liên lụy bởi phốt của Suga.
BTS member Suga apologizes for riding electric scooter while drunk

BTS member Suga apologizes for riding electric scooter while drunk

KOAT Albuquerque
K-pop megastar Suga has apologized after being caught riding an electric scooter while under the influence of alcohol.
Suga of K-pop sensation BTS fined for driving electric vehicle while ...

Suga of K-pop sensation BTS fined for driving electric vehicle while ...

His label, Big Hit ...
Suga of K-pop sensation BTS fined for driving electric vehicle while ...

Suga of K-pop sensation BTS fined for driving electric vehicle while ...

Hawaii News Now
His label, Big Hit ...
防彈東家再次就SUGA涉酒駕事件道歉| 韓聯社

防彈東家再次就SUGA涉酒駕事件道歉| 韓聯社

韓聯社首爾8月8日電經紀公司BIGHIT MUSIC8日在全球粉絲平臺Weverse上發文稱,再次就旗下男團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA(閔玧基)涉嫌酒後騎行一事公開道歉。公...
防彈Suga為醉駕電動滑板車致歉- 20240808 - 娛樂

防彈Suga為醉駕電動滑板車致歉- 20240808 - 娛樂

【明報專訊】韓國男團防彈少年團(BTS)的31歲成員Suga,去年9月以社會服務員代替兵役入伍,展開為期兩年的公益兵生涯。韓國傳媒昨日報道,Suga涉嫌違反交通條例被立案 ...
Suga From BTS Apologizes For Riding An Electric Scooter While ...

Suga From BTS Apologizes For Riding An Electric Scooter While ...

Suga from the K-pop band BTS has issued a formal apology for being fined for riding an electric scooter while drunk.
BTS: Suga apologises for driving scooter under influence

BTS: Suga apologises for driving scooter under influence

BBC News
Suga from the K-Pop band was fined and lost his licence after a police officer saw him falling over.
Suga of K-pop sensation BTS fined for driving while drunk. What he ...

Suga of K-pop sensation BTS fined for driving while drunk. What he ...

ABC News
Suga, a member of K-pop sensation BTS, apologized for driving an electric vehicle while intoxicated.
詳訊:防彈SUGA因酒後騎電動滑板車被吊銷駕照| 韓聯社

詳訊:防彈SUGA因酒後騎電動滑板車被吊銷駕照| 韓聯社

韓聯社首爾8月7日電南韓男團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA(閔玧基)因涉嫌酒後騎行電動滑板車被警方立案調查。據首爾龍山警察署7日消息,警方已以違反《道路交通 ...
快訊/BTS SUGA涉「酒駕」!騎電動滑板車跌倒遭警方立案調查中

快訊/BTS SUGA涉「酒駕」!騎電動滑板車跌倒遭警方立案調查中

BTS SUGA酒後不是騎電動滑板車?韓媒曝警方說法若屬實刑責恐加重

BTS SUGA酒後不是騎電動滑板車?韓媒曝警方說法若屬實刑責恐加重

UDN 聯合新聞網
BTS SUGA酒後騎電動滑板車被吊銷駕照為錯誤示範道歉

BTS SUGA酒後騎電動滑板車被吊銷駕照為錯誤示範道歉



【on.cc東網專訊】韓國天團防彈少年團(BTS)成員SUGA今年3月入伍,正以社會服務要員身份服役。今日(7日)有報道指他昨日(6日)於首爾龍山區被發現駕駛電動滑板車時 ...
BTS SUGA酒駕電動滑板車本人承認道歉了

BTS SUGA酒駕電動滑板車本人承認道歉了

防彈少年團BTS成員SUGA閔玧其昨(6日)酒後騎行電動滑板車摔倒,遭前來幫忙的警察發現酒味,進而被依違反交通法立案。SUGA透過粉絲社群Weverse發聲表示「非常抱歉, ... is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program—an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and Amazon-affiliated website.
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