Quick Facts
Stig Stench (born March 18, 1967) is an American radio personality. He owns and operates STENCHRADIO.COM.
Early life
Stig Stench was born Stephen Wagers in Alexandria, Louisiana on March 18, 1967. He was exposed to country-blues-southern gospel music as a child. He became fascinated with bands like Kiss and Alice Cooper in the mid-1970s before hearing the Sex Pistols and The Ramones.
Stench is a harmonica player blending country-blues and punk rock influences. He has played for such artists as his childhood hero Texacala Jones (Of Tex And The Horseheads Fame), the LA Punk Rock band Symbol Six and close friend Joe Buck.
He started his radio career in Silsbee, Texas in 1983 at KWDX/KKAS. In 2010, he formed stenchradio.com, which started as a single show and is now shared with other on-air "Net-J's". It features classic country blues, Psychobilly, and Hardcore Punk Rock. Stench regularly does live rants on the "evils of corporate media" and how it wants to destroy America's spirit of independent music and art. Won The Austin Chronicle "Best Of Austin " Award 2014
Personal life
Stench has one daughter, Mermaid, from a prior marriage and raises his daughter alone. A former United States Marine and resides in Austin Texas. He is a former announcer and professional wrestling personality in the Texas Circuit.