Sadi Ranson
Quick Facts
Sadi Ranson is a British poet and author living in the United States who has published widely both in the United States and in Europe.
Although she has written for print publications, she is most widely known as a result of her prolific output online. Besides running the blog she is founder and editor of The Tant Mieux Project (incorporating Bob Dylan on Tant Mieux). She also serves as a regular contributor to Blogcritics, is an established writer for various online and print magazines (specifically writing about Bob Dylan, Lewis Carroll as well as cultural and political issues), and is Senior Cultural & Political Editor with Cyrano's Journal Online.
Ranson is also a well-established writer/poet both in the United States and in Europe. She has given many readings at universities and private clubs both alone and with other poets and was a frequent podcaster discussing ebooks for Ranson can be contacted through the Tant Mieux Project Web site. She enjoys working collaboratively and giving readings with other writers.