Rocky Gerung
Quick Facts
Rocky Gerung (born 20 January 1959) is an Indonesian philosopher, academic and public intellectual. He has taught at the Philosophy Department, University of Indonesia's Faculty of Cultural Sciences and is one of the founders of the Setara Institute.
Early life
Rocky began studying at the University of Indonesia in 1979. He first entered the department of political science, which at that time joined the Faculty of Social Sciences, before deciding to move to the department of philosophy and graduated in 1986. During college, Rocky was close to the socialist-leaning activists such as Marsillam Simanjuntak, Hariman Siregar, and others.
After graduating, Rocky taught in the department as a non-permanent lecturer until the beginning of 2015. He stopped teaching due to the issuance of Law No. 14 of 2005 which requires a lecturer to have a minimum of a master's degree; whereas Rocky only holds a bachelor's degree. He is noted to be teaching courses such as the Seminar on Justice Theory, Political Philosophy, and Philosophy Research Methods; he also taught at the postgraduate program. One of the students he guided was actress Dian Sastrowardoyo.
Together with figures such as Abdurrahman Wahid and Azyumardi Azra, Rocky is a co-founder of the Setara Institute, a think tank in the field of democracy and human rights, in 2005. As a philosopher scientist, one of Rocky's fields of study was the philosophy of feminism. He wrote a lot in Jurnal Perempuan, a scientific publication managed by the Women's Journal Foundation and founded by Gadis Arivia, his colleague at the University of Indonesia.
Notable Works
- Fay, Brian; Rocky Gerung; dan Budi Murdono (1991). "Teori Sosial dan Praktek Politik". Jakarta: Penerbit Graffiti.
- Saraswati, L. G.; dan Rocky Gerung (2006). "Hak Asasi Manusia: Teori, Hukum, Kasus". Depok: Filsafat UI Press.
- Gerung, R. (2007). "Pluralisme dan Konsekwensinya: Catatan Kaki untuk Filsafat Politik’ Nurcholish Madjid”." Paper PSIK Universitas Paramadina.
- Gerung, R. (2008). "Feminisme versus Kearifan Lokal." Jurnal Perempuan 57.
- Gerung, R. (2010). "Representasi, Kedaulatan, dan Etika Publik." Jentera Jurnal Hukum 20 (5).
- Gerung, R. (2014). "Feminist Ethics against Stigma of Theocracy-Patriarchy: a Reflection of 2014 Presidential Election." Jurnal Perempuan 19 (3): 175-182.
- Gerung, R. (2016). "Feminist Pedagogy: A Political Position." Jurnal Perempuan 21 (3): 265-271.