Quick Facts
Sir Richard Anthony Lloyd-Jones KCB (1988) CB 1981. Permanent Secretary, Welsh Office, 1985–93; Chairman, Arts Council of Wales, 1994–99
Born 1 August 1933; s of Robert and Anne Lloyd Jones; m 1st, 1955, Patricia Avril Mary Richmond (d 2002); two d; 2nd, 2005, Helen Margaret Yewlett (née Lewis)
Educated Long Dene School, Edenbridge; Nottingham High School; Balliol College, Oxford (MA)
Entered Admiralty, 1957; Assistant Private Secretary to First Lord of the Admiralty, 1959–62; Private Secretary to Secretary of the Cabinet, 1969–70; Asst Secretary, Ministry of Defence, 1970–74; Under Secretary, 1974–78, Deputy Secretary 1978–85, Welsh Office. Chairman: Civil Service Benevolent Fund, 1987–93 (Trustee, 1993–2000); Advisory Committee on local government staff transfers (Wales), 1993–94; Local Government Staff Commission for Wales, 1994–97. Member: BBC General Advisory Council, 1994–96; Commission for Local Democracy, 1994–95. President: Welsh Council, Ramblers’ Assoc., 1993–; Groundwork Merthyr and Rhondda Cynon Taff, 1996–; Chairman., Age Concern Cymru, 1999–2005 (President, 1996–99); Vice-Chairman: Prince of Wales’ Committee, 1993–96; Prince’s Trust Bro, 1996–99; Age Concern England, 2005–. Vice President, University of Wales, Cardiff, 1993–2004; Member: Ct, University of Wales, 1995–2000; Ct, National Museum of Wales, 1996–99; Ct and Council, Cardiff University, 2004–. Chairman., Fishguard International Music Festival, 1999–2005. Honorary Fellow: UCW Aberystwyth, 1990; Trinity College, Carmarthen, 1996. Hon. Dr Glamorgan, 1996; Hon. LLD Wales, 2004