Ravishankar Gokare A
Quick Facts
Director Grade, Chief Scientist (Scientist G) of Government of India , At Department of Plant Cell Biotechnology(PCBT), Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570020. And Head of the Plant Cell Biotechnology Department for 18 years (Served Government of India as scientist for 28 years); 1978-79 – Teaching Assistant, MS University, Baroda;
1979-80 – Crop Plant Physiologist and Head, Agricultural Research Division, Alembic Chemical Company, Baroda;
1981- 84 – Research Associate, Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR), Jammu-Tawi; Visiting Scientist to Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute, Taejon, South Korea;
1984- 2012 – Scientist, Central Food Technological Research Institute , Mysore,
2004 (Jan – March) Visiting Research Professor of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan.
1984-2012- Honorary Faculty, Food Science and Technology Masters degree and PhD program at CFTRI, Mysore
2011- 2012 United Nations University Programs at CFTRI, Mysore; -Professor of Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, CSIR, India.
2013- 2016: Chairman, Board of Studies in Biotechnology for Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgavi, India.
Coordinator of Study abroad cum Internship program in Biology of Kennesaw State University, Georgia for the past 12 years, (initially at CFTRI, Mysore and Presently at Dayanada Sagar University).
Coordinator of United Nations University Program at CFTRI for over 20 years in the domain of Plant Biotechnology, Food Biotechnology and Post Harvest Technology till 2012.
2013 -2014: Visiting Professor to Ural Federal University , Eketerinburg, Russia, teaching Biotechnology at Life Sciences Departments.
2014: Scientific Advisor to the World Food Congress, (IUFoST) Montreal, Canada.
2018, World Food Congress (IUFoST), Mumbai, India. 2020, World Food Congress (IUFoST) , Auckland , New Zealand.
Recognitions received from Learned Societies and National/ International Bodies
Fellowships conferred:
- Elected Fellow Member of Plant Tissue Culture Association of India 1991
- Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (FNASc)-1997
- Fellow of Association of Food Scientists & Technologists of India (FAFST)-1997
- Fellow of Indian Botanical Society (FBS) – 1997
- Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS)-2003
- Fellow of Association of Microbiologists of India (FAMI) – 2005
- Fellow of International Academy of Food Science & Technology (FIAFoST) - 2006 (Second Indian National to receive this honour)
- Honorary Distinguished Fellow of Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists (FISAB) - 2006
- Fellow of Institute of Food Science and Technology (UK),(FIFST)- 2009(Second Indian to receive this honour)
- Fellow of Society for Applied Biotechnologists (FSAB),2010
- Fellow of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) of USA, 2012. (Second Indian National to receive this honour).
- Certified Food Scientist 2014.
- Indian Science congress Award for excellence in botanical research conferred by the then prime minister of India-1992
- Laljee Godhoo Smarak Nidhi Award of Food Scientists & Technologists of India for the contributions in the areas of food biotechnology and food science and technology – 1994.
- National Technology Day honour on May 11, 2003 by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India - 2003
- Prof.V.Subrahmanyan Industrial Achievement Award for contributions to Agro-based technology and bioprocess technology for food industries in India - 2003
- Prof. Vyas Memorial Award of Association of Microbiologists of India, 2006
- Prof. V.N. Raja Rao Endowment lecture Award in Applied Botany, University of Madras – 2007
- Prof. S.S. Katiyar Endowment Lecture Award in New Biology, Indian Science Congress - 2008
- Conferred Professional Membership of Institute of Food Technologists of USA, 2010
- Life Time Achievement Award (SAB Grand Medal) by Society for Applied Biotechnologists (FSAB), 2013.
- Certified Food Scientists of USA 2013.
- Dr Diwaker Patel Memorial Award by Anand Agricultural University, for Life Time achievement in Agricultural Research , 2017.
- Prof C.S.Paulose Memorial Oration Award by Society of Biotechnologist of India, 2018.
- Prof Gadgil Memorial Leture Award , Plant Tissue Culture Association of India. 2020
- Best paper awards received at the Conferences in India- Over 23 occasions by his team.