Randy Bloom
Quick Facts
Randy Bloom is (born 1955) is an internationally exhibited American painter. Art critic, Carter Ratcliff in the journal of a "A Gathering of the Tribes" has written in describing the artist's work...."thoroughly sophisticated and her forms and colors are mutually clarifying. Yet there is more to her art, because of the mode—or the mood—in which she creates it. This artist doesn’t soberly illuminate or clarify so much as animate or even intoxicate, imbuing her pictorial devices with a giddy sense of the parts they play in the big picture"....
Bloom has exhibited at the O.K Harris and Jack Tilton galleries in New York City, the accostage and Le Muse galleries in Japan, and the Galleria de arte Magick in Easton, Pennsylvania, among others. From October 20 until November 14, 2015 her recent paintings were the subject of a solo exhibition at the Andre Zarre Gallery in the Soho neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. In writing about this exhibition in The Observer the noted art journalist, Piri Halasz (who has long followed the artist's progess) states about the works "They glow like jewels because each has a base layer of charcoal gray paint that also surrounds its image—setting that image off like the black velvet of a jewelry case"...