Rajendra P Parajuli
Quick Facts
· Expertise in analysis of impact of contaminants (e.g., heavy metals, pesticides) on health outcomes
· Expertise in environmental epidemiology, WRT exposure to environmental chemicals
· Statistical analysis methods for complex population-based data with additive modelling/adjustments
· Excellent collaboration skills with stakeholders in implementing research projects (e.g., planning, team assembly, negotiation with the counterparts, arrangement, & operation of the survey)
· Team player: proficient in coordinating works with various team members
· Fully trained in epidemiological methods & statistical analysis by SPSS/ STATA
· Fluent in MS office Application like MS Excel, MS PPT & MS Word
· Dependable, results oriented, & energetic
· PhD. 2010. Health science, University of Tokyo (UoT), Japan
· MS. 2007. Health science, University of Tokyo (UoT), Japan
· BSc 1999. Biostatistics and Research Methodology, Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal
Research Associate (2020 Jan-Current)
Centre de recherche du CHUM (CRCHUM) Montreal,QC, Canada with IRSST Collaboration
· Development of a multidisciplinary methodology for the evaluation of protective clothing against pesticides: protective efficiency, comfort and adaptation to agricultural tasks
o Logistics managements, data collection in field, biological sample collection, sample short term and long-term storage, transport as well as laboratory and data analysis.
Consultant Biologist (2019 June-Feb 2020), Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, HC
PI: Dr Hwashin Hyun Shin, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada
Project Title: Evaluation of Biological sex difference in the adverse health impacts of air pollution on Canadian population
o Comparison of all-cause mortality and hospitalization by sex in associations with ozone and PM2.5
o Trends in Respiratory mortality and hospitalization by sex in associations with ozone
o Comparison of Respiratory mortality and hospitalization by sex in associations with ozone and PM2.5
o Comparison of Circulatory mortality and hospitalization by sex in associations with ozone and PM2.5
Research Associate II (2017 Aug-Dec 2019)
Department of Biology, Prof Chan Lab at University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
· Working on an on-going “The Health Effects Monitoring Program (HEMP)” project in Ottawa University which will monitor people’s levels of contaminants in their body. See for Detail:
· Logistics managements, data collection in field, biological sample collection, sample short term and long-term storage, transport as well as laboratory and data analysis.
Research Associate (2014 Oct-2017 March)
Environmental Health Sciences Lab, NRS Department, McGill, QC, Canada
· Led a Northern Contaminant Project (NCP) among Inuit/Nunavik (of Canada) in McGill University which investigated “if genetic polymorphism in Inuit population has detrimental role in Metals, POPs and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Levels metabolism and also explore modifying effect (gene-environment interaction) in chronic disease like hypertension.
· Worked on American Dental Association (ADA) 2012 study project to see “if genetic polymorphism in this US dentist population has detrimental role (main effect) in Hg metabolism [i.e., biomarker level in hair Hg (hHg), blood Hg (bHg) and urine Hg (uHg).
· Mainly, I did desk research i.e., data mining, modelling, interpretation, manuscript drafting for journals & conferences
Postdoctoral Researcher April 2013 to March 2014 & June 2010 to March 2011
Department of Human Ecology, University of Tokyo, Japan
· Led Birth cohort study in Nepal” and “Nepal Arsenic Project” with sole responsibilities ranges from ethical approval to community selection, survey coordination/conduction, sample & data collection, sample storage & transportation, to collaboration coordination etc.
· Supported graduate students in study design & field work, lab work etc.
· Conducted data input, cleaning, mining, analysis, table formation, data interpretation, story formation, literature review, & drafting manuscripts
Research Fellow, (April 2011 – March 2013).
Department of Social Medicine, National Research Inst. for Child Health & Development
· Managed the follow up of “Birth cohort study in Nepal” as key researcher with sole responsibilities for follow up coordination (field work/data collection, etc.).
· Conducted data input, cleaning, mining, analysis, table formation, data interpretation, story formation, literature review, & drafting manuscripts
· Conducted journal club meeting (selection of contextual paper, communication with lab mates, critical discussion, sum up for website report etc.) every week
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Parajuli RP, Goodrich GM, Chan L, Ayotte P, Hegele R, and Basu N. Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Body Burden of Metals, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Levels among Inuit of the Nunavik region in the Canadian Arctic. Expected submission, Feb 2020.
- Hwashin Hyun Shin, Parajuli RP, Aubrey Maquiling, Benjamin Burr and Marc Smith-Doiron. Comparison of All-cause Hospitalization and Mortality Attributable to Ambient Ozone and PM2.5 in Canada. Expected submission, March 2020.
- Parajuli RP, Xuefeng Hu, Renata Rosol, Janet Cheung, and Laurie HM Chan. Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Body Burden of Arsenic among Yellowknife Dene First Nation (YKDFN) of the Canadian Arctic. Expected submission, April 2020.
- Parajuli RP, Yousef Risha, Nico Hüttmann, Liu Xin, and Laurie HM Chan. Association between Urine Exosome Proteins and Body Burden of Arsenic among the participant from Yellowknife region in the Canadian Arctic. Expected submission, May 2020.
- Parajuli RP, Xuefeng Hu, Renata Rosol, Janet Cheung, and Laurie HM Chan. Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Body Burden of Arsenic among Yellowknife residents of the Canadian Arctic. Expected submission, June 2020.
- Hwashin Hyun Shin, Parajuli RP, Aubrey Maquiling, and Marc Smith-Doiron. Trends in Annual Associations between Ozone and Circulatory Mortality by Age and Sex in Canada for 1984-2012 (Under Review).
1. Parajuli RP, Goodrich GM, Chan L, Ayotte P, Hegele R, and Basu N. (2018) Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Exposure Biomarkers for Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants among Inuit from the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canada. Science of Total Environment. Volume 634: Pages 569-578, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.331.
2. Kishi R, Zhang JJ, Ha EH, Chen PC, Tian Y, Xia Y, Tsuchiya KJ, Nakai K, Kim S, Hong SJ, Hong YC, Lee JR, Mohamed HJBJ, Parajuli RP, Adair LS, Chong YS, Guo YL, Wang SL, Nishijo M, Kido T, Tai PT, Nandasena S. (2017) Birth Cohort Consortium of Asia (BiCCA)-Current and Future Perspectives, Epidemiology, Volume 28 Pages: S19-S34, doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000698.
3. Thomas, DB., Basu, N., Martinez-Mier, EA., Sánchez, BN., Zhang, Z., Parajuli, RP., Peterson, K., Mercado-Garcia, A., Hernández-Avila, M., Hu,H., and Téllez-Rojo, M. (2016) Urinary and Plasma Fluoride Levels in Pregnant Women from Mexico City. Environmental Research, Volume 150, Pages 489-495, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.06.046.
4. Fillman T, Furusawaa H, Fook SNC, Parajuli RP, and Watanabe C. (2016) Association of Cadmium and Arsenic Exposure with Salivary Telomere Length in Adolescents in Terai, Nepal. Environmental Research, Volume 149, Pages 8–14, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.04.037.
5. Parajuli RP, Goodrich JM, Chou HN, Gruninger SE, Dolinoy DC, Franzblau A and Basu N. (2016) Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Hair, Blood, and Urine Mercury Levels in the American Dental Association (ADA) Study Participants. Environmental Research Volume 149, Pages 247-258, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2015.11.032.
6. Parajuli RP, Umezaki M, Fujiwara T, Watanabe C (2015) Association of Cord Blood Levels of Lead, Arsenic, and Zinc and Home Environment with Children Neurodevelopment at 36 Months Living in Chitwan Valley, Nepal. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120992. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120992.
7. Parajuli RP, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, & Watanabe C. (2015) Home Environment and Cord Blood Levels of Lead, Arsenic, and Zinc on Neurodevelopment of 24 months Children Living in Chitwan valley, Nepal, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 29: 315–320 Doi:10.1016/j.jtemb.2014.08.006.
8. Parajuli RP, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, Furusawa H, & Watanabe C. (2014). Letter in response to Dr. José G. Dórea Letter “Chemical mixtures, maternal exposure and infant neurodevelopment: did we miss positive (breastfeeding) and negative (mercury) confounders?” Neuro-toxicology and Teratology, 45, 94-94.
9. Parajuli RP, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, & Watanabe C. (2014). Impact of Socioeconomic Position on the Neurodevelopment of Young Children from Birth to 36 Months of Age: A Birth Cohort Study in Chitwan Valley, Nepal BMC Pediatrics 14:56. DOI:10.1186/1471-2431-14-56.
10. Parajuli,RP, Umezaki M, Fujiwara T, Konishi S, Takane E, Maharjan M, Tachibana K, Jiang HW, Pahari K, and Watanabe C. (2014). Prevalence and risk factors of Soil-transmitted helminth infection in Nepal. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 108 (4): 228–236. DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/tru013.
11. Konishi S, Parajuli RP, Takane E, Maharjan M, Jiang H, Pahari K, Inoye Y, Umezaki M, and Watanabe C. (2014). Significant sex difference in the association between C-reactive protein concentration and anthropometry among 13-19-years-olds, but not 6-12-years-olds in Nepal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22470.
12. Parajuli RP, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, Furusawa H, & Watanabe C. (2014). Home Environment and Prenatal exposure to Lead, Arsenic and Zinc on the Neurodevelopment of Six-month-old Infants Living in Chitwan Valley, Nepal Neuro-toxicology and Teratology 41 89- 95. DOI 10.1016/j.ntt.2013.12.006.
13. Parajuli RP, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, Watanabe C. (2012) Association of Cord Blood Levels of Lead, Arsenic, and Zinc with Neurodevelopmental Indicators in Newborns: A Birth Cohort Study in Chitwan Valley, Nepal. Environmental Research,121:45-51. DOI 10.1016/j.envres.2012.10.010.
14. Parajuli RP, Umezaki M, and Watanabe C. (2012). Diet Among People in the Terai Region of Nepal, An Area of Micronutrient Deficiency. Journal of Biosocial Science, 44(4): 401-415.DOI: 10.1017/S0021932012000065.
15. Parajuli RP, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, Furusawa H, Han SP, Watanabe C. (2012). Cord Blood Levels of Toxic and Essential Trace Elements and Their Determinants in the Terai Region of Nepal: A birth cohort study. Biological Trace Element Research,147(1-3):75-83. DOI:10.1007/s12011-011-9309-1.
16. Konishi S, Parajuli RP, Takane E, Maharjan M, Sharma S, Tachibana K, Jiang H, Pahari K, Pandey BD, Watanabe C. (2011). Health Status of Married Women Residing Five Communities in Nepal: Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Anemia in a Well-Off Community of Kathmandu. Nepal Medical College Journal 13:1-6.
17. Parajuli RP, Umezaki M, Watanabe C. (2009). Behavioral and Nutritional Factors and Geohelminth Infection among Two Ethnic Groups in the Terai Region, Nepal. American Journal of Human Biology, 21(1):98-104. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.20825.
Conference presentations, proceedings, & posters
1. Parajuli RP, Goodrich GM, Chan L, Ayotte P, Hegele R, and Basu N. Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Body Burden of Metals, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels among Inuit of Nunavik region in the Canadian Arctic. ISEE ISES 2018 Aug 26-30, Ottawa, Canada.
2. Parajuli RP, Goodrich GM, Chan L, Ayotte P, Kandola K, Hegele R, and Basu N. Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Body Burden of Metals, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Levels among Inuit in the Canadian Arctic. ISEE 1-4 September 2016 in Rome, Italy.
3. Parajuli RP, Goodrich GM, Chan L, Ayotte P, Kandola K, Hegele R, and Basu N. Genetic Polymorphisms are Associated with Body Burden of Metals, Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Levels among Inuit in the Canadian Arctic. ISEE-ISES AC2016 Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan on June 26-29th, (Oral).
4. Parajuli RP*, Goodrich MJ, Franzblau A, and Basu N. (2015). Genetic Polymorphisms and Hair, Blood and Urine Mercury Levels: A Gene Environment Study of Mercury in the American Dental Association (ADA) Study. 27th Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, (ISEE), August 30 to Sept 3 2015 (São Paulo), Brazil (Oral).
5. Parajuli RP*, Goodrich MJ, Franzblau A, and Basu N. (2015). Genetic Polymorphisms and Hair, Blood and Urine Mercury Levels: A Gene Environment Study of Mercury in the American Dental Association (ADA) Study. Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics CSEB 2015 CONFERENCE June 1-4 2015 (Toronto, ON), Canada.
6. Parajuli RP*, Umezaki M, Fujiwara T, and Watanabe C. (2015). Impact of In Utero exposure of Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As) and Zinc (Zn) on the Neurodevelopment of Young Children from Birth to 36 Months of Age: A Birth Cohort Study in Chitwan Valley, Nepal. 55th Annual Meeting of the Teratology Society, on June 27 to July 1, 2015 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
7. Parajuli RP*, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, and Watanabe C. (2014). Home Environment and Cord Blood Levels of Lead, Arsenic, and Zinc on Neurodevelopment of 24 months Children Living in Chitwan valley, Nepal. Proceeding of 26th Annual International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Conference, on August 24-28th, 2014 in Seattle, USA.
8. Parajuli RP*, Fujiwara T, Umezaki M, and Watanabe C. (2014). Home Environment and Cord Blood Levels of Lead, Arsenic, and Zinc on Neurodevelopment of 36 months Children Living in Chitwan valley, Nepal. Conference Proceeding of Urban Environmental Pollution 2014, on June 12 to 15, 2014 in Toronto, Canada.
9. Parajuli RP*, Umezaki M, and Watanabe C. (2010). Dietary Intakes of Two Minority Groups in Terai Region of Nepal. Proceeding of 35th Annual meeting of Human Biology Association: Abstract, American Journal of Human Biology. Vol.22 (2) pp. 267, 2010 April 14th to 17th in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
10. Parajuli RP*, Makiko S, Mashiro U, and Watanabe, C. (2008). Inter-Individual Variation in Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status in a Minority Community in Terai Region, Nepal. Proceeding of 73rd Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology. Abstract, Vol.74. pp. 62-63. (Oral), 26 – 27th Oct 2008 in Yokohama, Japan.
11. Parajuli RP*, Makiko S, and Watanabe, C. (2007). Socio-economic Status, Dietary Intake, Geohelminthiasis, and their Relationship with Nutritional Status of Mushar in Lowland Terai, Nepal. Proceeding of Int. Conference on Emerging Issues on Research and Development. Abstract, pp. 63-64. (Oral), 04-06 April, 2007in Kathmandu, Nepal.
12. Parajuli RP*, Makiko S, Mashiro U, and Watanabe, C. (2007). Dietary Intake, Geohelminthiasis, and Their Relationship with Nutritional Status of Mushar in Lowland Terai, Nepal. Lifestyle-Related Diseases Prevention: The Challenge for Nutrition and Public Health. Proceeding of 39th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health. Abstract, pp.111. (Oral) 21st - 25th of November 2007 in Tokyo, Japan.
13. Parajuli RP*, Mishra PN, and Joshi, DD. (2004). Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Mushar Community of Chitwan District. Proceeding of 4th National Conference of science and Technology. Abstract, 4: 53-56. (Oral), Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Asian Development Bank Japan Scholarship (ADB_JSP) Scholarship for MHSc Course Study in University of Tokyo (2005 April to 2007 March).
- University of Tokyo Fellowship (2007 April to 2010 March), For Doctoral Study in Department of Human Ecology, University of Tokyo.
- Foreign Researcher Award, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, International office of Academic Affairs (IOAA), Japan.
1. PI Member of Birth Cohort Consortium of Asia (BiCCA) 2014 to present
2. Member Int Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) 2014 to present
Ad Hoc Manuscript Peer Review:
1. Environment International (IF: 7.5) JCR 2018
2. Epidemiology (IF: 6.0) ISI JCR 2017
3. Development and Psychopathology (D&P): IF=4.89 @ ISI JCR 2014
4. Environnemental Pollution (EP): IF=4.141@ ISI JCR 2014
5. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN):IF=4.10 @ISI JCR 2015
6. Environmental Research (ER): IF~3.95 @ ISI JCR 2014
7. PLoS One (PONE): IF=3.53 @ ISI JCR 2014
8. British Journal of Nutrition (BJN): IF=3.453 @ ISI JCR 2014
9. Environmental Health (EH): IF 3.5 @ISR JCR 2014
10. Chemosphere (Chem):IF=3.50 @ ISI JCR 2014
11. Nicotine & Tobacco Research (NTR): IF= 3.30 ISI JCR 2015
12. Am J of Trop Med & Hygiene (AJTMH):IF= 2.74 @ ISI JCR 2014
13. BMJ Open IF 2.27 @ISR JCR 2016
14. Inter Journal of Env Research & Public Health (IJERPH)IF=2.00@2014
15. Behavioural and Brain Functions (BBF) : IF 2:00 @ ISI JCR 2014
16. Water Science and Technology (WST) IF: 1.064 @ISR JCR 2016
17. Toxics: MDPI Publishing House, Open Access
18. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) IF 2.97