Quick Facts
Paul Matthew Niall Feehan (born 1961 in Dublin) studied electrical engineering at University College Dublin (BE 1982) and the University of Missouri at Rolla (ME 1984), before switching to mathematics.His 1992 Phd on "Geometry of the Moduli Space of Self-Dual Connections on the Four-Sphere" was done at Columbia University under Duong Hong Phong.
He worked for several years at UC Berkeley, Harvard and Ohio State University, and in 2000 was appointed Erasmus Smith's Professor of Mathematics at TCD.However, a year later he accepted a position at Rutgers, where he now does research in non-linear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, differential geometry, mathematical physics, and the applications of partial-integro differential equations to derivative security pricing and risk management. He is also Director of the Mathematical Finance Master's Degree Program at Rutgers.