Paul Eddie Pfisterer
Quick Facts
Paul Eddie Pfisterer is a German visual artist who uses oil painting, mixed technique, watercolor, etching, wood carving, sculpture and mural painting. He developed his own techniques in the area of etching, such as dry point engraving, magnet etching, and the punch and flex technique. He invented a formula in color mixing which enabled him to paint a wide range of colours, including old master techniques. He is also a professional musician and is therefore included in the Lexicon of German Rockbands and Interpreten "Rock in Deutschland" (Author Günter Ehnert from the Taurus Press 1979, ISBN 3-9800079-6-0)
He was born in Waldenburg/Württemberg on 17 June 1951 son of the painter Otto Pfisterer (Nördlingen/Nizza). In 1966 he was trained as a technical drawer. He studied in 1974 as a drawer, painter and etcher under different artists. In 1974-1981 he worked as a professional musician. In 1980, he owned a gallery in Steinau. In 1981 Paul emigrated to Australia and returned to Germany, 1986-1990 owned a gallery in Grebenau. He lived in Berlin in 1985. In 1991 he moved to Hamburg then he settled and established himself in 2006 at Laubach, Germany and entitled as “Hofmaler des Grafen zu Solms-Laubach” up to the present.
- 1st prize in graphic for the community of German forest protection.
- 1st prize Oberhessische art exhibitions.
- Almost 50 large formatted posters of the Saudi Arabian kings, portraits printed after the paintings of Pfisterer at airports and public buildings in Saudi Arabia. Purchased by Hessen region, different towns, museums and private collectors.
- 1991 entry in the Lexikon der Willingshäuser Malerschule (Lexicon of the Willingshausen school) and Malerschule Kleinsassen (J.Wollmann)
- Nnumerous Australian paintings and exhibitions.
- Entry in the book Hessen in der deutschen Malerei (Bantzer/Baumerth).
- Contributed works for Grimm brothers.
- Demonstrated etching technique in the television (HR 3), radio interviews, newspaper reports and Museum exhibitions.
- Numerous auctions.
Graphic artist, completion of art calendars (Greifenstein calendar, Wetterau-calendar, Brühl-Edition), worked for banks, Lufthansa, Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof, Hotel Jäger, Karstadt etc. Art writer for Edition Walter De Gruyter, Scientific Edition (Berlin and New York). Author of Dictionary of Monograms 2, 1995. and Dictionary of Signatures, 1999. Purchase of 8 paintings in 1998 by Museum Würth in Künzelsau.
Art dictionaries
- die Willingshäuser Malerkolonie und die Malerkolonie Kleinsassen (Wollmann)
- Hessen in der deutschen Malerei (Bantzer/Baumerth)
- Monogrammlexikon II. (Pfisterer)
- Signaturenlexikon I (Pfisterer)
- Art Data Band 3 (Kierblewsky)
- ADEC 93 (Adec-Production/Eric Michel)
- ADEC 95 (Adec-Production/Eric Michel)
- Mayers
- Allgemeines Lexikon der Kunstschaffenden in der bildenden Kunst des ausgehenden XX. Jahrhunderts Band 4 (Ziese/Kufferath/Demetz)
- Emanuel Benézit Künstlerlexikon (das Standardlexikon Frankreich!), eines der 3 Standardwerke der Kunstgeschichte!
- COMANDUCCI (das Standardlexikon für Italien!)
- Künstlerlexikon Hessen-Kassel 1777-2000 (Paul Schmaling)
- Kürschner 2004/5 (bedeutendes Standardwerk für bildende Künstler)
- Allgemeines Lexikon der Kunstschaffenden in der bildenden Kunst des ausgehenden XX. Jahrhunderts Band 4 (Ziese/Kufferath/Demetz) Nürnberg 1996
Auction catalogs
- Antikhof Neuenstein, 9.Kunstauktion 19.Mai 1990,
- Henry´s Auktionen Nr.41, 17.November 1990, Nr.73 Samstag, 20.April 1991, Nr.88, 31.Oktober 1992, Nr. 48, Pos.Nr.48 01218,
- Antiquitäten Auktionshaus Pöter Schloss Sulzheim 25.6.1993,
- Arno Winterberg Auktion 34, 35, 40, 42, 44, 48, 51, 54.
- Auktionshaus Wendel, Rudolstadt, (ca.1997)
- Tresor am Römer Katalog 33 (ca.1986),
Book illustrations
- Reise ins Märchenland (Freund, 1986), Bekanntmachung, Heiteres und Besinnliches (G.Freund 1984 )
- 925 Jahre Breungeshain (W.Weitzel 1992), Ludwig Emil Grimm (Gerhard Freund 1990)
- Münzenberg Heimat im Schatten der Burg (Petra und Uwe Müller 1995, 575 S.)
- Märchen, Sagen und Schwänke aus Lauterbach und dem Vogelsbergkreis(Dr.U.Benzel 1991, mit Illustrationen )
- Kunstdruckmappe König Drosselbart (Märchenstraßenverlag 1983)
- Wasmuth-Bulletin, Burlington Magazine, International Directory of Arts, The Art Bulletin,Art Journal, Frankfurter Rundschau, Neue Gesundheit.
- Graphische Kunst (Edition Curt Visel, Memmingen) Number 51 (1998) Biography and original woodcut supplement.
- Graphische Kunst (Edition Curt Visel, Memmingen) Number 52 (1999) with 16 pictures of his work, and two original supplements (etching and woodcut)
Collection and museum representations
- Bad Homburg town collection, Wiesbaden, Borken.
- Museum Steinau/Str., Museum Schotten, Museum Herbstein, Museum Butzbach,
- Museum Willingshausen, Museum and collection Würth in Künzelsau and
- Museum of Marbel, South Cotabato, Philippines.
- A member of South Cotabato, Philippines Arts Council "Socskargen".
- Pronounced by the governor as an Honorary member to the South Cotabato Tourism, Culture and Arts Council.
Gallery Atelier Periscope, Museum Schloß Steinau, Gallery Moderna Bad Kissingen, Gallery Bilderladen Westerburg, Gallery Kurotel 2000 Bad Kissingen, Cafe Theater Frankfurt, Gallery Steinau, Rathaus Steinau, Ramada Hotel Frankfurt, Museum Schloß Günderrode, Märchenland Merkenfritz, New Gallery Gosford, Australien, Parramatta, Box Hill Gallery Melbourne, St.Marks Parish-Hall Australien, Gallery Apollon Frei-Laubersheim, Steinau, Büdingen, Gallery Gedern, Museum Schloß Gündersrode Höchst, Nidda, Ortenberg, Schlüchtern, Gallery Fürstenbahnhof Bad Homburg, Wien, Amtshaus Steinau, Frankfurt Book Fair 1985 (Position 532), Gallery Bilderladen Neu-Kölln Berlin, Gallery Grünberg, Museum Castle Kolvenburg, Fulda Artists in Herkules, Gallery Gebenau, Gedern, Fulda Artists in Town Castle of Fulda 1988, Gallery Kunsthaus Fulda, Museum Freilichtmuseum Hessenpark 1989, Gallery Wetzlar, Cafeteria Karstadt Giessen, Worms, Farben Jaenisch Frankfurt, sequence of pictures at Kreisanzeiger newspaper for a longer period, Bad Nauheim, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Antikhof Neuenstein, Art and Culture School of Konradsdorf, Touristic Fair 1989 Frankfurt, Museum Fritzlar, Gallery Basaltwerk Alten-Buseck, Hersfeld, Giessen, Gallery Posthof, Museum Butzbach, Museum of Schwalm in Willingshausen, Town Gallery Mragowo/Polen, Gallery Statt-Museum Herbstein, Museum Condom South France, Oberhessische Kunstausstellung Grünberg, Gallery Reukauf Giessen, Museum Marbel/Philippinen. More than 100 exhibitions and group exhibitions in Galleries, and almost all big towns in Germany. Several exhibitions in Australia, Poland, France and Philippines. Paintings in many private collections worldwide.