Párkányi Mihály
Quick Facts
dr. Mihály (Michael) Párkányi (January 1., 1924 in Budapest – January 28, 1991 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian architect.
Finished Technical University, Budapest, Faculty of Architecture, Graduated 1948. Later on in 1952-1954 finished further two years at the Budapest Lorand Eötvös University of Sciences, as historian.
1948-50 Designer at the Building Research Institute (ÉTI) Type-planning section
1950-51 Secretary of the Scientific Society for Building (Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies.)
1951-55 Chief engineer at the Secretariat of the Architectural Council, and Assiant, later lecturer at the Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Architecture
1955-57 Designer at the Office for Planning Residential and Communal Buildings (LAKÓTERV), Budapest
1958-60 Deputy director at the Institute for Restoration of Historical Monuments, Budapest
1961-62 Assistant at the London County Council, Housing Department
1963-69 Head of Research and Development Group, Technical Department, LAKÓTERV Budapest
1970-91 Senior Principal Scientific Officer. Technical University; Budapest; Faculty of Architecture
1974-91 University Professor at the Technical University of Budapest; Faculty of Architecture
Data of scientificdegrees; social obligations, medals
Finished first postgraduation (Candidate’s Degree) in 1964. Thesis on Modular Coordination was accepted by the TMB (i.e.: Scientific Assessment Board appointed to the Hungarian Acamey of Sciences) in 1965. Obtained the degree „Candidate of Technical Sciences” in 1965. Number of diploma: TMB 3117/1965.
Obtained the degree „Doctor Technicae” from the Technical University of Budapest 17 May 1966. Number of diploma: 67/1966.
Finished second postgraduation (Doctor’s Degree) in 1967. Doctoral thesis entitled „Blind manufacture. An approach to automation through double coordination” was presented at the TMB on 1 May 1967. Degree „Doctor of Technical Sciences” at the end of 1969.
Participated in the work of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Science sas a member of the Committee of Theory of Architecture and as the Secretary of the Committee of Building Science.
Between 1964-67 Member of the International Modular Group (C.I.B. Working Committee W.24.)
Data of scientific research work
From 1962 on the following themes:
Modular coordination;
Double coordination: Specific questions of automation in building industry;
Tissue structures: theory and practice of open system industrialization;
Specific problems of mass-housing in the developing countries.
Author a number of publications, Works published in English:
Towards Industrialized Building. Proceedings of the third CIB Congress, Copenhagen 1965. Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1966. pp. 295–296.
Tissue structures. Vol. I. Modular variations on a span-indifferent structural system. LAKÓTERV, Budapest, 1967. 120 pages
Tissue structures. Vol. II. Blind Manufacture. An approach to automation through double coordination. LAKÓTERV, Budapest, 1967. 80 pages
Tissue structures, Vol. III. Blind manufacture II. An adaptation of the Gutenberg principle to building industry. LAKÓTERV. Budapest 1969. 206 pages
Tissue structures: An approach to solving problems of masshousing in the deverloping countries, Scientific World. 1969
Some technological and economic aspects of changing the structure of building industry in developing countries. LAKÓTERV July 1969. 30 pages