Olaf Falafel
Quick Facts
Falafel worked as an Art Director before becoming a comedian.
In 2014 he was nominated for the Laughing Horse Comedy Club's New Act of the Year competition. In 2017 he was included in both The Guardian's and The Telegraph's rundowns of the funniest jokes of the Edinburgh Fringe. In 2018 Falafel was in Dave channel's, The Mirror's, The Evening Standard's, The Scotsman's and i News's rundowns of the top jokes of the Edinburgh Fringe and won an award for his festival poster.
Falafel secured a three-book contract with HarperCollins in 2016, after asking for a publisher to approach him in a tweet.
In 2019 Falafel made headlines by winning the Best Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe. He took the title with the gag: "I keep randomly shouting out 'Broccoli' and 'Cauliflower' - I think I might have florets".
Live Shows
- 2015 - Expect the Unexporcupine (with Michael Stranney)
- 2016 - Olaf Falafel and the Cheese of Truth
- 2017 - The Marmosets of My Mind
- 2018 - There's no I in Idiot
- 2019 - Olaf Falafel Presents Knitting With Maracas
- 2017 - Old Macdonald Heard a Parp
- 2017 - Father Christmas Heard a Parp
- 2018 - Old Macdonald Heard a Parp from the Past
- 2019 - It's One Giant Leek For Mankind