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Geoffrey Smith

Australian naval admiral

John Augustine Collins

Royal Australian Navy officer

Anthony Synnot

Australian admiral

Russ Crane

Senior officer in the Royal Australian Navy

Alan McNicoll

Senior royal australian navy officer and diplomat

James Willis (admiral)

Senior Royal Australian Navy commander

John Saumarez Dumaresq

Australian admiral

Harold Farncomb

Lawyer and Australian Rear Admiral

Teddy Sheean

Royal Australian Navy sailor

George Hyde (admiral)

Australian admiral

Wilfred Custance

Royal Navy admiral

Stuart Mayer

Senior royal australian navy officer

Ash Power

Australian Army general

Geoff Shepherd

Australian Chief of Air Force

John McAnally

Vice Admiral of the Australian Royal Navy

Russ Shalders

Australian admiral

Nigel Coates

Royal Australian Navy admiral

Errol McCormack

Australian air marshal

Matt Tripovich

Australian admiral

Bill Dovers

Royal Australian Navy admiral

David Shackleton (admiral)

Australian admiral

Davyd Thomas

Australian admiral

Chris Ritchie

Australian admiral
.833v-1.767h-5.833v1.767zM13.080 24.927h5.84v-1.767h-5.84v1.767zM26.167 24.927h5.833v-1.767h-5.833v1.767zM26.167 22.628h5.833v-1.76h-5.833v1.773zM13.081 22.628h5.853v-1.76h-5.855v1.773zM0.001 22.628h5.84v-1.76h-5.841v1.773zM6.548 22.628h5.84v-1.76h-5.841v1.787l0.003-0.013zM19.655 22.628h5.84v-1.76h-5.867v1.787l0.023-0.013zM19.655 20.335h5.84v-1.76h-5.867v1.773h0.023zM6.581 20.335h5.813v-1.76h-5.848v1.773h0.021zM0.040 20.335h5.813v-1.76h-5.853v1.773h0.021zM13.12 20.335h5.84v-1.76h-5.867v1.773h0.021zM26.22 20.335h5.78v-1.76h-5.833v1.773h0.036zM26.22 18.041h5.78v-1.775h-5.833v1.768h0.036zM13.14 18.041h5.817v-1.775h-5.867v1.768h0.044zM0.060 18.041h5.807v-1.775h-5.867v1.768h0.040zM19.7 18.041h5.84v-1.775h-5.907v1.768h0.059zM19.7 15.748h5.84v-1.773h-5.907v1.76h0.059zM0.060 15.748h5.807v-1.76h-5.867v1.76h0.040zM13.14 15.748h5.84v-1.76h-5.9v1.76h0.043zM26.22 15.748h5.78v-1.773h-5.833v1.771l0.036-0.003zM13.080 13.44h5.84v-1.768h-5.84v1.768zM26.167 13.437h5.833v-1.767h-5.833v1.767zM13.080 11.14h5.84v-1.769h-5.84v1.769zM26.167 11.14h5.833v-1.769h-5.833v1.769zM26.167 8.84h5.833v-1.768h-5.833v1.768z"/> iheart itunes