peoplepill id: milko-lazar
The basics
Quick Facts
Slovenian musician
Work field
Star sign
60 years
Župančič Award
Prešeren Fund Awards
The details (from wikipedia)
Milko Lazar, slovenski skladatelj, aranžer, čembalist, dirigent in saksofonist, * 14. marec 1965, Maribor.
Lazar je na visoki šoli za glasbo v Gradcu vpisal študij klavirja in saksofona na jazzovskem in klasičem oddelku. Redno sodeluje z Big Bandom RTV Slovenija kot solist na prvem alt-saksofonu. V Big Bandu je profesionalno deloval med letoma 1986 in 1994, v novem tisočletju pa ima status samostojnega kulturnega delavca.Udejstvuje se tudi kot dirigent in skladatelj za različne komorne zasedbe in orkestre. Je soustanovitelj skupin Quatebriga in Štefbet Rifi, udejstvuje pa se tudi kot interpret baročne glasbe na čembalu. Leta 2005 je prejel nagrado Prešernovega sklada za svoje kompozicije.
Glej tudi
- seznam slovenskih skladateljev
- seznam slovenskih dirigentov
- seznam slovenskih aranžerjev
- seznam slovenskih čembalistov
- seznam slovenskih saksofonistov
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Milko Lazar is in following lists
By field of work
By work and/or country
Notable Slovenian Musicians
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Musicians from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Slovenian Composers
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Composers from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Slovenian Conductors
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Conductors from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Slovenian Music arrangers
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Music arrangers from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Slovenian Saxophonists
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Saxophonists from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Slovenian Harpsichordists
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Harpsichordists from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Slovenian Pianists
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
Notable Pianists from Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Gender:Male, Born in:Years 1930 to 1969
comments so far.
References and sources
Milko Lazar