Lorea Agirre
Quick Facts
Lorena Aguirre Dorronsoro (born 1968 Beasain, Guipúzcoa) is a Spanish journalist and anthropologist. She is editor in chief of Jakin.
She collaborated in the first publications of the local magazine Goierritarra and in "Arlote Irratia", the local radio station of Ordizia.While doing journalism studies, together with the team that was part of the magazine Argia, she prepared the supplement "A ze astelehenak" of the newspaper Egin.With some of these comrades of Argia magazine, she worked as a journalist for the newBasque newspaper, Euskaldunon Egunkaria, later called Berria.
She is currently a researcher at the Sorguneak Research Center at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences (HUHEZI) at Mondragon University.She has done research on Basque, feminism and Basque culture.She has also been part of the Basque Council of Culture.She now works as a teacher in HUHEZI and since 2014 is the director of the magazine Jakin.
- Rosa Luxemburg (Elkar, 2000) ISBN 9788483316504, OCLC 63697757
- Gazteei eta eta kulturari buruzko hausnarketa: Gipuzkoa 2001 (Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, 2001)
- Pilotaz egitasmoa (Kutxa Fundazioa, 2002)
- Joxemi Zumalabe. Ipurtargiaren itzal luzea (Euskaldunon Egunkaria, 2002) ISBN 9788493114268, OCLC 863172253
- Gezurra ari du. Egunkariaren itxieraren kronika (Alberdania, 2004)
- Hedabideak : euskararen berreskuratzea III (Garabide Elkartea, 2010)
- Haurren aisialdi parte-hartzailea, euskalduna, hezitzailea eta herritarra garatzen (Txatxilipurdi Elkartea, 2015) ISBN 9788460672470, OCLC 971827023
- Euskalgintza eta feminismoa : identitateak berreraiki, demokrazia sendotu, boteretze kolektiboa bultzatu eta subalternitate eraldatzaile unibertsalak eraikitzeko proposamen bat (Bat. Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, 2016).