Quick Facts

Kim Simonsen hevur verið lektari við Bergens Universitet og er Senor Fellow við Vossius Centre við lærda hákúlan í Amsterdam, har hann eisini arbeiðir á sentrinum fyri Europan Studies á deildini SPIN - Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms.
Hann er ph.d.-vegleiðari í Amsterdam.
Hann er føroyskur høvundur, mag.art og Ph.d. [1] við styrki frá Danska Granskingarráðinum (FKK).
Í 2013 gjørdist hann ph.d. á ph.d.-skúlanum Evropeisk Mentanarsøga millum søgudeildina og bókmentir/nordiskt á Roskilde Universitet. Vegleiðarar vóru søgufrøðingurin professarin ph.d. Anette Warring og professarin Dr. phil. Svend Erik Larsen frá Deildini fyri Bókmentasøgu við Aarhus Universitet.
Royndir í seinastuni
2019 Carlsberg Foundation
2019- Faroese Grants for the Arts
2019- Senor Fellow við Vossius Centre við lærda Hákúlan í Amsterdam.
2018- Lektari við Bergens Universitet har hann stóð roynd í adjunktpedagogikum í január 2019.
2016-2020 Ph.d.-vegleiðari fyri Tim van Gerven á European Studies University of Amsterdam.
2017-2018 Leiðari fyri vísundaliga netverkið North Atlantic Digital Repatriation and Cultural Heritage Network. Supported by the Nordic Cultural Point.
2014-2017 Carlsberg Foundation Foreign Scholarship post.doc. University of Amsterdam, SPIN: Study Platform of Interlocking Nationalisms.
2014-2017 Leiðari fyri netverkið: Network on Romantic Travel Writing to the Far North 1800-1900. Supported by the Nordic Cultural Point.
2015 Var hann í starvi sum coordinator of ERNiE (Encyclopedia of European Cultural Nationalism) á University of Amsterdam fyri prof. Joep Leerssen.
2019- Ritstjóri og kurator m.a. av lista- og bókmentafestivalinum Always Coming Home gjørdur við Laboratory for Aestetichs and Ecology 10-14 juli 2019.
2019 Fyriskipari av V. U. Hammershaimb framsýning, fagnaði og seminari á Landsbókasavninum. Ritsjórn av temablaði av Frøði um V. U. Hammershaimb og frímerkjaútgávu av V. U. Hammershaimb við Posta og Ole Wich.
2019- Høvundi, týðari og sniðgevi av bókum.
Veturin 2015 og várið 2016 var hann vitjandi granskari á Stanford University, Department of Comparative Literature and CESTA (Centre for Spatial and Textual Analysis).
Í 2010 var hann vitjandi granskari á Amsterdams Universitet, har hann arbeiðir á sentrinum fyri Europan Studies á deildini SPIN - Study Platform on Interlocking nationalisms hjá granskarinum prof. Joep Leerssen.
Í 2010 var hann vitjandi granskari á Columbia University í New York hjá Andreas Huyssen.
- "Desemburmorgun". 2015. Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins.
- "Hvat hjálpir einum menniskja at vakna hesumegin hetta áratúsind". 2013. Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins.
- "Literature, imagining and memory in the formation of a nation. Travel writing, canonization and the formation of a national self-image in the Faroe Islands" PhD Dissertation, vard 2012.
- Dreymar um opin vindeygu (greinasavn), 2003, Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins.
- Kodakmyndir úr sjeytiárunum (yrkingasavn), 2005, Mentunargrunnur Studetafelagsins.
- Náðisólin", 2006, Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins.
Greinar og annað
2015. Before the Library – A Wave in European History. Lyngbye, Davidsen & Rafn 1817-1828. Network for European Travel Writing to the Romantic Far North. University of Amsterdam & The National Library of the Faroe Islands.
Aðrar bøkur
2003. Dreymar um opin vindeygu. Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins, Copenhagen (Academic essays).
Ritstjóri og samskipari av "proceedings"
(Co.). 2015-2016. ERNIE – Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Samskipari av skandinaviska partinum.
Ed. Forthcoming 2017, Travel Writing to the Romantic far North - How the Romantic North was rediscovered though Romantic Historicism, Antiquarianism and travelling European “men of science and letters. Brill: Leiden.
Úrval av seinastu "peer-reviewed" útgávum
(Kemur út í 2017). At redigere nationens erindring. Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrifts Selskabs internationale netværk set igennem Carl Christian Rafns og Rasmus Rasks breve 1825-1864. Í: Skandinavisme. The N. F. S. Grundtvig Centre: Århus.
(Kemur út í 2017) The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries and Carl Christian Rafn as a Forgotten Key Figure and Identity Entrepreneur of Pan-Scandinavianism. Í: NISE Papers. NISE: Antwerpen.
(Kemur út í 2017). V. U. Hammershaimb's Collections of Faroese Folk Legends and his Corporation with Carl Christian Rafn and The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. Í: The Grimm Ripples and the Genisis of Folk Legend Collection in the North. Ed. Joep Leerssen and Terry Gunnel. The Cultivation of Culture. Brill:Leiden.
(Kemur út í 2017). Carl Christian Rafn and the Cultivation of Culture. In: Icelandic Philology and National Culture, 1780-1918. Ed. Joep Leerssen & Gylfi Gunnlaugsson. The Cultivation of Culture. Brill: Leiden.
(Kemur út í 2017). Elevating the Early Modern North. Images of the North and the Use of Ballads and Sagas by Early Modern Scholars. In: Northern Visions in the pre Modern Era. Brepolis Press.
(Kemur út í 2017) Paper Monuments of the North. The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, C.C. Rafn’s Letters and the Case of creating a Literature. In: Building the North with words. Geographies of scientific knowledge in European philologies 1850–1950. FRIAS – USIAS. Freiburg.
Ny Skandinavisk poesi. Konceptpoesi, Færøerne og Norden. Í: Nordisk Samtidspoesi. Ed. Ole Carlsen. CERCOP: Centre for Research in ContemporaryPoetry.
The Creation of a Romantic Canon – Canonisation, Philology and the Making of Cultural Saints. In: Romantik – Journal for the Study of Romanticism.
Litterær kanon, arkiv og erindring: Litterær kanon på Færøerne, Í: Kanon i Norden. Nordisk Ministerråd.
Migrationspoesi og litterære stereotyper En imagologisk læsning af Eva Tind Kristensens ”Do/_”. In: Indvandreren i Dansk film og litteratur. Forlaget Spring.
Hvor blev det af dig Færøerne i alt myldret?: - Fra postmodernisme til en global og erfaringsramt litteratur. Migration og det nationale i færøsk samtidslitteratur.', In: Millennium. Nye retninger i nordisk litteratur. Forlaget Spring.
Netwerke bei der Entstehung der färöischen Literatur. Hammershaimb, Schrøter und Lyngbye. Eina Kartografie der Dynamik des gesellschaftlichen Umfelds, d... In: Tjaldur Mittelungsblatt des Deutch-Färöischen Freundeskreises, 13. januar 2013.
Право вновь сказать что-то красивое… Несколько слов об изменениях в литературе Скандинавских стран в 2000–2006. Í: The new philological bulletin. No. 1 (24) 2013.
Networks in the Making of Faroese Literature: Hammershaimb, Schrøter and Lyngbye - mapping the dynamics of social ambience, institutional infrastructure and cultural practice around the publication of “Færøiske Qvæder om Sigurd Fafnersbane” in 1822., Published paper from the seminar on Clerics and the Vernacular, In: SPIN, Amsterdam, Holland.
Færøske erindringssteder og erindringspolitik: Mellem trauma og sakralisering. Nationalisme og kristendom i færøsk erindringskultur, set gennem brugen af Færø Saga i nyere mindehøjtideligheder. In: Den jyske historiker, 124, pp. 75-97
40 entries e.g. Carl Christian Rafn, Povl Frederik Barfod, Evald Tang Kristiansen, Universities Scandinavism – Institutions: Universities, University Chairs, Skandinavism. Culture-Historical Background, Political Development. In: Encyclopædia of European Cultural Nationalism, Ed. Joep Leerssen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. See also: www.romanticnationalism.net
Akademisk ummæli
- 2017 - Jón Karl Helgason & Marian Dovic. Cultural Saints.
- 2017 -
- 2013 - Turið Sigurðardóttir/Malan Marnersdóttir (Eds.). Føroysk bókmentasøga 1. Tórshavn: Nám, 2011. Í: European Journal of Scandinavian Studies. 43, 2.
- 2010 - Litteratur og globalisering?: Magnus Nilsson "Den föreställda mångkulturen - Klass och etnicitet i svensk samtidsprosa, In: Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning, vol 4, 97.
Útvaldar "non peer-reviewed" útgávur
2017Varðin 1. 2017.
2017 -Grein í.Bag de teglrøde mure. Regensen. Gyldendal.
At redigere Nationens Erindring - Det kongelige nordiske oldskriftsselskabs Internationale netværk. Set igennem Carl Christian Rafns og Rasmus Rasks breve1825-1864. Í: Carlsbergsfondets Årsskrift 2016.
Áðrenn Bókasavnið. Í: Frøði – The Faroese Academy of Sciences.
Westerbeek. Í: Posta Stamps, Nr. 26.
Frímerkir og tjóðskaparligur samleiki – Føroysk frímerki sum minnisstaður. Í: Frøði – The Faroese Academy of Sciences...
H. N. Jacobsen Bókhandil 150 ár. Í: Posta Stamps, Nr. 24.
Atkinson’s Expedition to the Faroes 1833. Í: Posta Stamps, Nr. 22.
Norðið – Tíðarinnar Rannsóknarstova. Í: Varðin 1, 2014.
Frimærker og national identitet - Færøske frimærker som erindringssted. Í:
Posta, Tórshavn.
Stamps and National Identity – Faroese Stamps and Cultural Memory. Posta, Tórshavn.
From Post-Modernism to the New Modern Literary Scene in Faroese Poetry: An Insiders View. Í: Scandinavian newsletter: a literary and cultural magazine, University of Groningen.
Seinastu viðkomandi "conference papers presented"
V. U. Hammershaimb's Collections of Faroese Folk Legends, and his Corporation with Carl Christian Rafn and The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. Í: The Grimm Ripples - The Genisis of Folk Legend Collection of the North. Arranged by the University of Iceland and SPIN the University of Amsterdam.
The Antiquitates Americanae Ripples - Carl Christian Rafn, The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries and the American Network. Ritstjórnað av: Icelandic Philology and National Culture, 1780-1918 & SPIN, University of Amsterdam.
The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries and Carl Christian Rafn as a Forgotten Key Figure and Identity Entrepreneur of Pan-Scandinavianism. Í: Protagonists of national movements A preliminary workshop. NISE. Prague, Charles University,Institute of Political Studies, 8. september 2016
At redigere nationens erindring. Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrifts Selskabs internationale netværk set igennem Carl Christian Rafns og Rasmus Rasks breve 1825-1864. Í: Skandinavisme i 1800-tallet. Lysebu, Oslo. Arranged by the University of Oslo and the Grundtvig Centre at the University of Århus.
The Ideologies of Northern Landscapes. Travel Writing in the Romantic Far North. Í: Transit ´Norden´ och ´Europa´ at the IASS Congress Groningen. International Association of Scandinavian Studies. University of Groningen, 9 – 13 August 2016.
Romantic Travel Writing to the Far North 1800-1900. Í: The Travel Writing Seminar, Conference. University of Liverpool. Liverpool. 24th of September 2016.
Before the Library- A Wave in European Cultural History: Lyngbye, Davidsen and Rafn 1817-1828. The Discovery of the Romantic North- Historicism, Antiquarianism and Traveling European “Men of Science and Letters” 1800-1900. The NETWORK ON TRAVEL WRITING TO THE ROMANTIC FAR NORTH 1800-1900. University of Amsterdam and The National Library of the Faroe Islands, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands.
Cultural Memory and the Deep Freezer of Memory. Antiquarianism in the Faroe Islands, the Letters of C.C. Rafn to Faroese. Rethinking Cultural Memory 1700-1850. Copenhagen University, 4-5 December. The Nordic Association for Romantic Studies (NARS) and SPIN, University of Copenhagen.
Paper Monuments of the North. Philology and the construction of the modern nation. The Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries and Carl Christian Rafn’s letters. CFP Geographies of Knowledge and Imagination. Philological Research on Northern Europe 1800–1950. International conference. FRIAS, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.
Travel Writing to the Romantic North. Network on Travel Writing. University of Iceland and the National Library of Iceland.
Islands: Nationalism and Literature in the Faroe Islands. StAnza Poetry Festival, St. Andrews Scotland.
The Cultivation of the pan-Scandinavian”Nation” Cultural nationalism, pan-Scandinavism and C.C. Rafn’s and Rasmus Rask’s early philological work. Northern Myths, Modern Identities: The Nationalization of Mythologies in Northern Europe. University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Philology, Antiquarianism among Network of Traveling Scholars in the North – C.C. Rafn and Rasmus Rask’s letters in a European Context. Norden / The North: Anglo-Nordic Exchanges, 1700-1830 St. Mary's University, Strawberry Hill.
(Key note speaker) Elevating the Early Modern North. Images of the North and the Use of Ballads and Sagas by Network of European Scholars – The case of C. C. Rafn and Rasmus Rask. Northern visions in the pre-modern era - Arctic Research Centre at Umeå University.
The Pastoral as a Genre of Memory. Travel Writing to the North and C. C. Rafn. Hugvísundathing (Humanities Festival) 2014, University of Iceland.
Are you Really Danish? Memory and Migration in new Avantgarde Danish Poetry. The Case of Eva Tind Kristensen’s “Do/-“. Migration, Memory, and Place, The Danish Network for Cultural Memory Studies & Network for Migration and Culture. University of Copenhagen & Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, December 6-7
The Making of the Hagiography of a 19th Century Poet: Remembrance, Icons, Sacred Places and the Relics of Martyrdom in the life of Nólsoyar Páll. CULTURAL SAINTS OF THE EUROPEAN NATION STATES - 4th International REELC/ENCLS Congress, Skopje & Ohrid Macedonia. September 1st-3rd.
Memory Politics in the Case of National Stereotypes in the Canonization of a Faroese National Hero. Memory and/in Practice. Arranged by the Danish Network for Cultural Memory, University of Copenhagen, June 3rd-4th.
Palimpsest, Memory and Agency in Faroese/Danish Memory Politics - In the Case of National Stereotypes in the Canonization of a Faroese National Hero. Norlit, University of Roskilde. August 4-6.
We Will Not Forget: Comparative Literature and Memory Studies – the Case of Memory and Forgetting in the Emergence of Migrant Literature. At the New School of Social Science at the The Limits of Memory, NSSR Memory Conference. New York.
Remembrance, Icons, Sacred Places and the Relics of Martyrdom in the life of Nólsoyar Páll. Memory and Forgetting in the Postcolonial Far North. University of Copenhagen and the University of Roskilde.
Regions, Margins and the Avantgarde. HISTORIZING THE AVANT-GARDE. Copenhagen University. November 20-22
Latest special invited academic talks and international lectures:
2017 (Fortcoming). Contemporary Themes in Travel Writing Reasearch to the Far North. Nordic Network, TORCH. Oxford University.
To Manage a Network on 19th Century Travel Writing. Nordic Cultural Point's Annual Meeting for Long Term Network's. Oslo. November 2016
Carl Christian Rafns internationale netværk. Nationalmuset Danmark, The National Museum of Denmark. December 2016.
The new Vernacular. Nationalism and Poetry. University of Hong Kong & the Hong Kong House of Literature. 1st of June 2016.
Travel Writing to the Romantic Far North 1800-1900. The Travel
Study Group, University of Amsterdam, European Studies. April, 2016.
ERNiE and Digital Humanities. CESTA, University of Stanford. March 2016.
Conceptual Poetry in Scandinavia. Mantis, Stanford University, California. February 2016.
The North Atlantic in Literature. Vild med Ord, Århus Literary Festival.
ERNiE and Romantic Nationalism. The Faroese Research Council. Annual Research day - Vísundavøka. Granskingarráðið.
Stereotypes, Images in History and Self-understanding. European Screen Talent & Århus Filmværksted and Klippfisk Tórshavn. July, 2015.
The North Atlantic Link in Poetry. At StAnza – Scotlands International Poetry Festival, St. Andrews, Scotland.
The International Networks of C.C. Rafn – Digital Humanities and Philology. In: Arnamagneansk Institut (The Arne Magnússon Institute),University of Copenhagen.
Travel Writing to the Far North 1800-1900 – traveling philologists and Digital Humanities. Reykjavík Academian.
Self-images, exoticism and travel writing. The University of the Faroe Islands.
Talk/interview with Kim Leine, the Winner of the Nordic Councils Literary Price 2013. Nordic House, Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands.
Nationalism, self-images, exoticism and travel writing. The Library in Sandur, Faroe Islands.
Images and Self-images. The Nordic House, The Faroe Islands. (also held at Tvøroyri, Klaksvik, Runavík).
Images of the Faroese and Faroese Self-images. Library Runavík, Faroe Islands.
National Stereotypes in travel literature on the Faroe Islands and the Emergence of Faroese Identity. University of Copenhagen, June 21.
Minnismentan, ímyndir og ferðafrásagnir – Ímyndir av føroyingum í útlenskum ferðafrásøgnum og sjálvsmyndir føroyinga. The Faroese House, Copenhagen.
Nationale Stereotyper i rejselitteratur. The Department of Scandinavian Studies. Ernst Moritz-Arndt University, Greifsvald, July 3rd.
From Post-Modernism to the New Modern Literary Scene in Faroese Poetry: An Insiders View. In: Scandinavian newsletter: a literary and cultural magazine, University of Groningen.
Latest relevant media experience:
2016. Expert in Danish Television in a series in four parts about Denmark and the North Atlantic. Danmarks Radio (DR).
2015. Expert helper to BBC series on Early Modern Travel Writers.
2015. Poetry is alive and well and a hit with the younger generation. 2. March. The Herald, Scotland.
2015. Mention in Fife Today 15. April 2015.
Latest relevant newspaper articles:
Frímerkir og føroyskur samleiki. In: PREI, nr. 2.
Frímerkir og føroysk minnismentan – George Clayton Atkinson í Føroyum 1833. In: Dimmalætting.
Europeiskar ímyndir og sjálvsmynd okkara. Sosialurin, 89.
Minnismentan og list: Listin í almenna rúminum, Dimmalætting, 70.
Café Takksemi - og aðrir tankar úr San Francisco, Dimmalætting, 113.
At brúka søguna og bardagan um minnismentan okkara: Eitt perspektiv til Virgar og hini, Sosialurin 54
Nevndararbeiði vm.
- 2014 M.A. Jacobsensa Virðisløn fyri savnið "Hvat hjálpir einum menniskja at vakna hesumegin hetta áratúsind". 2013. Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins.
- 2006 Dómari í einari SMS-yrkingakapping, sum Outsider Magazin, KALL og Dimmalætting stóðu fyri.
- 2004 Valdur sum umboð fyri Føroyar í einari kapping um Ársins kritikara. Kappingin varð fyriskipað av Nordisk Litteratur ein árbók, sum verður útgivin av Nordbok sum hoyrir til Nordisk Ministerråd.
- 2003 nevndarlimur í Den Færøske Kunstfestival 2003.
- 2003 Limur í bólki um tann føroyska fólkaskúlan.
- 1999 - 2001 Nevndarlimur í bólkinum hjá Københavns Universitets viðvíkjandi De gamle Kollegier: Regensen, Elers, Valkendorf.
- 1997-1998. Nevndarlimur í Kollegianerforeningen ved Grønjordskollegiet.
Forlagið Eksil
Kim Simonsen eigur forlagið Eksil, ið higartil hevur útgivið 19 bøkur.Eksil hevur m.a.útgivið hesar bøkur
- Franz Kafka: Umskapanin. 2007
- Johan Harstad: Buzz Aldrin hvar bleivst tú av í ruðuleikanum?. Týtt: Agnar Artúvertin. Forlagið Eksil, 2009. 355 síður. - ISBN: 978-99918-807-1-6.
- Sissal Kampmann: Endurtøkur. Forlagið Eksil, 2012. 56 síður.
- Vónbjørt Vang:Millumlendingar, yrkingar. 48 síður. Forlagið Eksil, 2011. - ISBN: 978-99918-807-5-4.
- Daniella Andreasen: Dilemma. Forlagið Eksil, 2011. 52 síður. - ISBN: 978-99918-807-4-7.
- Franz Kafka: Dómurin, 2012.
- Sissal Kampmann: Ravnar á ljóðleysum flogi. Yrkingar úr uppgongdini. 2. broytta útgáva. Forlagið Eksil, 2011. 64 síður. ISBN: 978-99918-807-6-1.
- Sissal Kampman: Endurtøkur. Forlagið Eksil.
- Sissal Kampmann: 4D. Forlagið Eksil.
- Djúpini, yrkingar. Vónbjørt Vang. 2017.
- Koralbruni, yrkingar Anna Malan Jógvansdóttir, 2018.
- Psykosudrotningin sigur frá. Skaldsøga. Anna Malan Jógvansdóttir, (komandi) 2019.
- 4 aðrar bøkur eru í umbúna.