Juan Moises de la Serna
Quick Facts
Juan Moses de la Serna is a Spanish doctor of psychology, professor, neuroscientist, popularizer, and writer. Currently he combines his work as a "big-data psychologist" with the coordination of the Open Chair of Psychology and Neuroscience.
de la Serna was born in Málaga, Spain, from where he moved to Seville for study there two university careers. He obtained the degree of Doctor in Psychology with the qualification of Cum Laudem from the University of Seville. It has participated in institutional charges like the School of Doctors of the University of Seville in addition to being member of the Official School of Psychologists of Western Andalucia and the Official School of Psychologists of Asturias both pertaining to the General Council of Official Schools of Psychologists (COP). It has made investigations in collaboration with national institutions like the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Catholic University of Valencia. It has developed his educational work in the University of Seville and the University of Oviedo (Spain). It has complementing this work like lecturer in congresses and scientific symposiums given along the world, so much in Spanish as in English. As I complement to the previous is novelist and writer of texts of scientific divulging written so much in Spanish as in English (See details down), collaborator asiduo with diverse media (Wall Street International, QuéAprendemosHoy) and portals web specialised in health (Webconsultas.com).
He is the author of the first text in Spanish on the Cyberpsychology from the point of view of the scientific results of the field of the Psychology.
Big-data psychologist
Juan Moses de la Serna is member of Open Data Institute. Exploring the Open Data offered by the open government, which allows access to Big Data from population data from one country has allowed Juan Moisés research on important issues such as the distribution by municipalities of mortality associated with mental health in Andalusia (Spain); the differences of race and gender in the suffering of Alzheimer's disease in New York city (USA); the age distribution of anxiety disorder in the period 1999–2010 in Canada; the evolution by regions of anxiety disorders]] between 2010–2013 in Chile; the relationship of education to conduct suicide by region between 2001 and 2013 in India.
Popular neuroscientist
de la Serna takes more than a decade reporting progress on psychology in press, radio and television. Writer popular science texts written in both Spanish and English, a regular contributor to various media (Wall Street International, QuéAprendemosHoy) and web portals specialized health (Webconsultas.com11), in addition to writing popular articles for institutions such as the CRE Alzheimer or SuperCuidadores12 (International University of la Rioja) or Linkdeln13 Press. He currently coordinates the Open Chair of Psychology, an extra-academic space aimed at professionals, teachers and students where the latest research is shared in the field of psychology and neuroscience, and where universities in Mexico, Colombia and Paraguay participate.
Juan Moisés de la Serna has actively participated in the research group of the Andalusian called Human Behavior (HUM140) under the Department. of Experimental Psychology at the University of Seville. The results of research conducted in the field of study of emotions to psychopathologies such as depression or T.D.A.H. in adults they have been collected in artículosl3, capítulos4 and scientific books :
Books in English
- Alzheimer's Disease, Recent Research (2015). OMICS Group eBooks: Foster City (EE.UU.). ISBN 978-1-63278-056-0.
Books in Spanish
- Condicionamiento Evaluativo vs. Condicionamiento Clásico (2011). Académica Española: Madrid. ISBN 978-3-8443-3575-0.
- El estudio de la Conciencia: Una Aproximación Experimental (2005). Universidad de Sevilla: Sevilla. Formato CD Interactivo. ISBN 84-96377-47-4.
- Condicionamiento Semántica, Evaluativo y Conciencia de la Contingencia (2004). Ediciones Digital @3d S.L.L.: Sevilla. 1ISBN 84-688-9105-3.
Juan Moisés de la Serna also writes psychological novels:
- El Virus, cuando un resfriado se convierte en plaga: (2015). ASIN: B019FVC2UK.
- El Misterio del Lago (2015). ASIN: B017F1NO7M.
- Tras el futuro (2011). Ediciones OnLine Studio: Panamá. ISBN 978-1-4495-5915-1.
- La Piedra Habbaassi (2009). Editorial Lulu.com: EE.UU. ISBN 978-1-4495-7319-5.