John T. Pawlikowski
Quick Facts
John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M. (born November 2, 1940) is a Servite Friar priest, Professor of Social Ethics, and Director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program, part of The Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry, at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. As member of Catholic Theological Union since 1968, Pawlikowski was appointed to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council in 1980 by then-President Jimmy Carter. He was subsequently re-appointed by Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. As of 2008, he chaired the Council's Subcommittee on Church Relations and served on its Executive Committee, the Committee on Conscience, and Academic Committee.
Early life
Pawlikowski was born in 1940 in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Thaddeus John and Anna Mary (née Mizera) Pawlikowski. After high school, he entered the Order of the Servants of Mary in 1958, and subsequently enrolled at Loyola University Chicago, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1963. He continued his priestly studies in Northern Ireland, only to return to the United States and eventually graduate from the University of Saint Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary). He was then ordained to the priesthood in 1967, and a year later became one of the founding faculty members of Catholic Theological Union. In 1970, he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in social ethics from the University of Chicago.
Pawlikowski has been critical of John Cornwell's book Hitler's Pope, a scathing representation of the record of Pope Pius XII and the Vatican during the Holocaust. Pawlikowski characterized Cornwall's book as "full of exaggerated claims and deceptions," "a work of deeply flawed scholarship" that "presents only the evidence that suggests [Cornwall's] predetermined view." Other scholars have expressed similar judgments about the quality of Cornwall's book.
- "The Righteous Among the Nations Award" from the Holocaust Museum in Detroit (1986)
- Raoul Wallenberg Humanitarian Award for Distinguished Contributions to Religion, from The American Jewish Committee (AJC) [1989]
- "Man of Reconciliation" Award from The Polish Council of Christians and Jews (1994)
- The NOSTRA AETATE Award from the Archdiocese of Chicago (1995)
- Distinguished Service Award from the American Jewish Committee (AJC) [Chicago]
- Officers' Cross of Merit for Distinguished Service to the Polish Nation, from the Government of Poland (1995)
- Eternal Flame Award from St. Leo University and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) [1999]
- "The Heart to Heart" Award from the Polish National Church in Lublin, Poland (2000)
- Named an "Illustrious Person and Honorary Citizen" of Montevideo by the City Council of Montevideo, Uruguay (2001)
- Honorary Doctorate from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (2001)
- Bernard Nath Award from The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) [Chicago] (2003)
- Honorary Doctorate from Dominican University (2005)
- Shevet Achim Award from the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR) [2012]
- Honorary Doctorate from Australian Catholic University (ACU) [2014]
- John Courtney Murray Award for significant contributions in the field of Catholic Theology, from the Catholic Theological Society of America (2014)