Jeeri R. Reddy
Quick Facts
Dr. Jeeri Reddy an American biologist who became an entrepreneur, developing new generation preventive and therapeutic vaccines. He has been an active leader in the field of the biopharmaceutical industry, commercializing diagnostics and vaccines through JN-International Medical Corporation. He currently serves as Scientific Director and President of the Corporation that created the world's first serological rapid tests for Tuberculosis to facilitate acid-fast bacilli microscopy for the identification of smear-positive and negative cases. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV was achieved in South East Asia by the use of rapid tests developed by Reddy in 1999. Reddy through his Corporation donated $173,050 worth of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for malaria in Zambia and actively participated in the prevention of child deaths due to Malaria infections. Reddy was personally invited by the President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush to the White House for Malaria Awareness Day sponsored by US President Malaria Initiative (PMI) on Wednesday, April 25, 2007.
A notable inexpensive vaccine developed by Reddy is for Meningococcal meningitis for Prevention of Meningitis disease outbreaks in sub-Saharan Africa, His main objective is to facilitate affordable biological medicines to the resource poor countries. His leadership on global health matters in Africa and South East Asia is encouraged by former President Bill Clinton through the Clinton Global Initiative. Every year, Reddy with the help of a French physician Noel Kouame supply childhood vaccines to sub-Saharan Africa for vaccinating one million people for prevention of Bacterial Meningitis, Poliomyelitis, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis. Reddy has been dedicated to the prevention of infectious diseases by promoting public awareness and education about immunization for vaccine-preventable diseases in underdeveloped countries. The people who have helped him to become a business person are his classmates and friends from the school of Microbiology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. He has created jobs in Nebraska, USA, Africa and South East Asia through his company. Prior to forming the corporation by him in 1997, Reddy served as microbiologist, visiting professor and laboratory director at ICRISAT, Kansas State University and Central States Research Center, Oakland, Nebraska. Reddy is an inventor on five U.S. & International (PCT) Patents and publishes Journal articles of its research and technologies in the field of human Infectious Diseases and Neurological Disorders.
Reddy earned a doctoral degree in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases from the University of California at Berkeley and a Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Science degree in Biology and Microbiology from India. In June 1993, he was awarded by The Society of Phi Zeta of Kansas State University for his research findings of a vaccine against enteric, respiratory and reproductive disease-causing virus.
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