Quick Facts
Jacob Reider MD is a physician and expert in health information technology policy, innovation and strategy. He currently serves as co-founder (with Bryan Sivak) of RS Partners, a consulting firm specializing in health innovation, and Chief Health Officer of Physera, a health innovation start-up company. He was formerly the Chief Executive Officer of Kyron, a healthcare analytics startup in Palo Alto, CA. He previously served as Deputy National Coordinator and Chief Medical Officer of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, a staff division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in the executive branch of the United States Government. Reider was named acting National Coordinator when Farzad Mostashari resigned in October 2013. He was replaced by Karen DeSalvo on January 13, 2014. Prior to his current role, Reider was CMIO of Allscripts, a developer of Electronic Health Records, Medical Director of Clinical Systems at CapitalCare Medical Group and Associate Dean of Biomedical Informatics at Albany Medical College. He is a self-described "usability fanatic". In a 2011 interview, (before he joined the government) he describes experience, interest and concern about the HHS meaningful use program, and offers views on quality measurement, clinical decision support and usability. He has authored several papers on primary care topics and health information technology. The son of a psychiatrist who was also the son of a psychiatrist, Reider studied cognitive science at Hampshire College and broke with family tradition, starting his career as a family physician. He is married to Albany Law School Dean Alicia Ouellette.