Hugh MacPherson
Quick Facts
Hugh MacPherson (born 1948) is a Professor of Acupuncture Research at the University of York, founder and current Trustee of the Northern College of Acupuncture, founder and co-ordinator of the international STRICTA group, Clinic Director of York Clinic, Fellow of The College of Medicine, and a practicing member of the British Acupuncture Council.
After completing a PhD in applied mathematics at the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 1979, he trained in Chinese medicine becoming a registered acupuncturist in 1983. He became Clinical Director of the York Clinic for Integrated Healthcare in 1986, and founded the Northern College of Acupuncture in York in 1988, acting as the college's principal from 1988 to 1997. Between 1997 and 2003, he was the Research Director of the Foundation for Research into Traditional Chinese Medicine, York. He then worked at the University of York, first as a Senior Research Fellow, and in 2016 as Professor of Acupuncture Research. He has been researching and writing about acupuncture since 1992 and published over 100 peer-reviewed articles on the subject.
He has appeared on a number of radio and television programs including BBC Radio 4's The Other Medicine, BBC Two's Alternative Medicine: The Evidence, BBC Three's Kick Ass Miracles and BBC Two's Trust Me, I'm a Doctor.
Hugh MacPherson's research on acupuncture for low back pain was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ),and subsequently was central to the decision by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to recommend acupuncture for persistent low back pain in 2009. His study of acupuncture or counselling for ongoing depression in primary care found that both acupuncture and counselling are effective for patients, the majority of whom were taking antidepressants.
Hugh MacPherson was Principal Investigator on a study that investigated acupuncture and brain imaging in York, which was filmed by BBC Two Science but received press criticism for not being good science. The BBC Trust subsequently received a complaint about the programme that questioned the “significance accorded to brain-imaging results following deep needling.” The BBC defended the series against what they described as “unjust, inaccurate and damaging allegations made in the national press”. When this complaint related to the brain imaging was considered by the BBC Trust in 2007, it was not upheld. Three peer-reviewed publications (references below) resulted from this study, which established new results on acupuncture’s impact on brain function. This included a publication, published in the journal Brain Research, which showed that acupuncture works by deactivating pain pathways in the brain.
Selected articles
- 2015. Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial, by Hugh MacPherson et al. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2015 Nov 3;163(9):653-62. doi: 10.7326/M15-0667.[Abstract]
- 2013. Acupuncture and Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: A Randomised Controlled Trial, by Hugh MacPherson et al. PLOS Medicine. Vol 10, Issue 3.
- 2012. Acupuncture in practice: mapping the providers, the patients and the settings in a national cross-sectional survey, by Hopton AK, Curnoe S, Kanaa M, MacPherson H. British Medical Journal Open. 2(1).
- 2012. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis, by Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, Sherman KJ, Witt CM, Linde K. Archives Internal Medicine. 172(19): 1444-1453.
- 2012. Oscillatory neuronal dynamics associated with manual acupuncture: a magnetoencephalography study using beamforming analysis, by Asghar A, Johnson RL, Woods W, Green G, Lewith G and MacPherson H. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. 6(303).
- 2011. Paradoxes in Acupuncture Research: Strategies for Moving Forward, by Langevin HM, Wayne PM, MacPherson H, et al. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 180805.
- 2010. Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): Extending the CONSORT Statement, by MacPherson H et al. PLoS Medicine, 7(6): e1000261.
- 2010. Acupuncture for depression, by Smith CA, Hay PPJ, MacPherson H. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.Issue 1. Art. No.: CD004046.
- 2009. Acupuncture needling sensation: The neural correlates of deqi using fMRI, by Asghara A, Greena G, Lythgoec MF, Lewith G, MacPherson H. Brain Research, 1315: 111–118.
- 2008. Brain imaging of acupuncture: Comparing superficial with deep needling by MacPherson H et al. Neuroscience Letters, 434(1): 144-149.
Edited volumes
- 2011. Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Healthcare, edited by Volker Scheid and Hugh MacPherson. Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 978-0-7020-3021-5. 256 pages.
- 2007. Acupuncture Research: Strategies for Establishing an Evidence Base, edited by and Hugh MacPherson, Richard Hammerschlag, George Lewith, and Rosa Schnyer. Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 978-0-443-10029-1. 288 pages.
- 1996. Acupuncture in Practice: Case History Insights from the West, edited by Hugh MacPherson and Ted Kaptchuk. Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 978-0-443-05049-7. 482 pages.
Chapters in Books
- 2012. MacPherson H. "Assessing Acupuncture: Practical Examples", in Boutron I, Ravaud P, Moher D. (eds.) Randomised Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Treatments. Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series 46, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 387.
- 2011. Witt CM, MacPherson H, Kaptchuk TJ, Wahlberg A. "Efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency", in Scheid V, MacPherson H. (eds.) Integrating East Asian medicine into contemporary healthcare. Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp 244.
- 2007. White A, Wayne P, MacPherson H. "Exploring treatment effects: studies without control groups" in MacPherson H, Hammerschlag R, Lewith G, Schnyer R. (eds.) Acupuncture Research: Strategies for building an evidence base. Elsevier, London, pp 261, 2007
- 2007. Schnyer RN, Birch S, MacPherson H. "Acupuncture practice as the foundation for clinical evaluation", in MacPherson H, Hammerschlag R, Lewith G, Schnyer R. (eds.) Acupuncture Research: Strategies for building an evidence base. Elsevier, London, pp 261.
- 2007. MacPherson H, White A, Bensoussan A. "The safety of acupuncture", in MacPherson H, Hammerschlag R, Lewith G, Schnyer R. (eds.) Acupuncture Research: Strategies for building an evidence base. Elsevier, London, pp 261.
- 2007. MacPherson H, Thomas K. "Introduction: acupuncture and the emerging evidence base", in MacPherson H, Hammerschlag R, Lewith G, Schnyer R. (eds.) Acupuncture Research: Strategies for building an evidence base. Elsevier, London, pp 261, 2007.