Heinz Welsch
Quick Facts
Heinz Welsch (born 1955) is a German economist. His areas of Interest are Environmental and Resource Economics; and Subjective Well-Being.
He received a Diploma in Economics from the University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, in 1980. He then earned a Doctorate in Economics from University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, in 1984.
He is Professor emeritus at the University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany.
Earlier, he was a Researcher, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany fro 1982 to 1985. From 1986 to 1996, he was a Senior Researcher, University of Cologne, in Cologne, Germany.
Selected Publications
Poverty is a Public Bad: Panel Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Review of Income and Wealth, DOI: 10.1111/roiw12350 (with P. Biermann).
Organic Food and Human Health: An Instrumental Variables Approach, Health Economics & Outcome Research 3 (2017), Issue 3, DOI 10.4172/2471-268X.1000141.
Pan-European Patterns of Environmental Concern: The Role of Proximity and International Integration, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 7 (2017), 473-489, DOI 10.1007/s13412-017-0441-x (with J. Kühling).
Energy Affordability and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence for European Countries, The Energy Journal 38 (2017), 159-176 (with P. Biermann).
Measuring Renewable Energy Externalities: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Land Economics 93 (2017), 109-126 (with C. von Möllendorff).
Electricity Externalities, Siting, and the Energy Mix: A Survey, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 10 (2016), 57-94.
Green Status Seeking and Endogenous Reference Standards, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (2016), 625-643 (with J. Kühling). DOI: 10.1007/s10018-015-0134-1
Macroeconomic Performance and Institutional Change: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Journal of Applied Economics XIX (2016), 193-218 (with. J. Kühling).
Measuring Nuclear Power Plant Externalities Using Life Satisfaction Data: A Spatial Analysis for Switzerland, Ecological Economics, 126 (2016), 98-111 (with P. Biermann).
How Has the Crisis of 2008-2009 Affected Subjective Well-Being? Evidence from 25 OECD Countries, Bulletin of Economic Research 68 (2016), 34-54 (with J. Kühling). DOI: 10.1111/boer.12042
Affective States and the Notion of Happiness, Journal of Happiness and Well-Being 4 (2016), 101-114 (with J. Kühling).
ICT and the Demand for Energy: Evidence from OECD Countries, Environmental and Resource Economics 63 (2016), 119-146 (with P. Schulte and S. Rexhäuser). DOI: 10.1007/s10640-014-9844-2
Income Comparison, Income Formation, and Subjective Well-Being: New Evidence on Envy versus Signaling, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 59 (2015), 21-31 (with J. Kühling). DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2015.09.004
Well-Being Effects of a Major Natural Disaster: The Case of Fukushima, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 116 (2015), 500-517 (with K. Rehdanz, D. Narita and T. Okubo).
Macroeconomic Preferences by Income and Education Level: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Review of Economics and Finance 5 (2015), 15-32 (with J. Kühling).
Fukushima and the Preference for Nuclear Power in Europe: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Ecological Economics 108 (2014), 171-179 (with P. Biermann).
Electricity Supply Preferences in Europe: Evidence from Subjective Well-Being Data, Resource and Energy Economics 38 (2014), 38-60 (with P. Biermann).
Environment, Well-Being, and Experienced Preference, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 7 (2013), 205-239 (with S. Ferreira).
Adaptation and Mitigation in Global Pollution Problems: Economic Impacts of Productivity, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity, Environmental and Resource Economics 52 (2012), 49-64 (with U. Ebert).