Quick Facts
Garib Dassi is sampraday divided into two parts "NADI" and "BINDI".BINDI is headed by Mahant Dayasagar ji from Chhudani Dham,Haryana while Saints comes under "NADI" headed by Swami Brahmanand ji Bhuriwale in Dham Raqba Sahib in Ludhiana district of Punjab.He was the third head of Bhuriwale Sampradha. He Specially work for the betterment of poor, cow and girls. That's why he had opened several educational institutes specially in the rural area of Distt:Hoshiarpur, S.B.S.Nagar,Ropar & Ludhiana for educating the girls. He preferred building"Temple of Knowledge" rather than religious temples. For that he had established Maharaj Bhuriwale Garib Dassi Educational Trust(Regd.) in 1984.
He has been honoured by the Governor of Punjab(India) for his notable contribution to the field of education.He has follow the path of Guru Shri Satguru Garib Dass Ji of Chhudani Dham,Haryana Jagat Guru Garib Dass Maharaj adopted Maharaj Kabir Ji as his Guru and thus the religious lineage of Garib Dassi Sect is connected with Kabir Ji through Acharya Ramanuj.That's why Garib dassi is related to kabir Panth
Swami Brahmanand has anoints one of his disciples, Vedhant Acharya Swami Chetna Nand ji Bhuriwale as his successor which is the present head of this Divine Seat. अधिकारिक वेबसाइट सर्वोच्य गरीबदासीय पीठ श्री छतरी साहिब छुडानी धाम जिला झज्जर हरियाणा .
पाठी पंडित प्रेम सिंह जी गरीबदासीय ई-ग्रंथालय'