Quick Facts
Eric Paul Shaffer is an American novelist and poet, who lives and works in Hawai'i. Currently an assistant professor of English at Honolulu Community College, he formerly taught at Maui Community College and the University of the Ryukyus on Okinawa. His work has appeared in more than 400 national and international reviews, journals, and magazines, including Bamboo Ridge, the Chaminade Literary Review, the Chicago Review, the Chiron Review, Slate, The Sun Magazine, and the North American Review, as well as in the anthologies 100 Poets Against the War, The EcoPoetry Anthology, Jack London Is Dead: Contemporary Euro-American Poetry of Hawai‘i (And Some Stories), Crossing Lines, In the Trenches, Weatherings, and The Soul Unearthed. He is the author of five collections of poetry and one novel.
Shaffer is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, where he received a Ph.D. in American Literature in 1991. He received the Elliot Cades Award for Literature, Hawaii's highest literary honor, in 2002, and the James Vaughan Award for Poetry in 2010. He was a visiting poetry faculty member at the 23rd annual Jackson Hole Writers Conference. His poetry collection Lahaina Noon received an Award for Excellence in the 2006 Ka Palapala Po'okela Book Awards.