Enrique García Hernán
Quick Facts
Professor Enrique García Hernán (Madrid 1964) is a Spanish historian of the culture of early modern Europe. His research examines the interaction of religious sentiment, political thought and international relations in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It attempts to bridge the gap between the study of forms of cultural and intellectual expression and the realities of political, diplomatic and military organization. He is a Corresponding Fellow (Académico correspondiente) of the Royal Academy of History (Real Academia de la Historia, http://www.rah.es/), member of the Board of Directors (Vocal) of the Spanish Commission for Military History (la Comisión Española de Historia Militar, http://www.defensa.gob.es/ceseden/cehismi/) and Fellow (Académico) of the Ambrosiana Academy of Milan (la Academia Ambrosiana de Milán, http://www.ambrosiana.eu/cms/page-191-191.html). His current academic affiliation is as a research professor (Profesor de Investigación) in the Institute of History, within the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (Centro de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas) at the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas or ‘CSIC’). The Spanish National Research Council is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe, (http://www.cchs.csic.es/).
Career trajectory
Dr García Hernán has two doctorates, one in ecclesiastical history from the Gregorian University of Rome, and one within the discipline of early modern history from the University Complutense of Madrid. He has published more than ten monograph studies (single-authored) and one joint-study with his brother, David García Hernán. In addition he has edited or co-edited nine books, and authored more than seventy articles in Spanish, English and Italian. He is currently supervising a number of doctoral students. He is one the editor of a new series of monograph studies dedicated to the international impact of Spain, entitled the Historia de España y su proyección internacional, which is published by Albatros Ediciones in Madrid. http://www.graficas-soler.com/albatros/contact_us.htm
His first research focused on Saint Francis Borgia and this project led to the publication of a major monograph on Borgia’s diplomatic efforts on behalf of the Papacy in 1571 and 1572. This project led him to study the great Mediterranean campaigns fought by the Spanish Monarchy and the Christian Holy League in the 1560s and 1570s. This interest resulted in a number of important and innovative studies, one on the Spanish Armada and the defense of the Mediterranean during the reign of Philip II (1556–1598) and one on the immediate circumstances after the Battle of Lepanto (7 October 1571). A number of highly regarded papers – for instance, on the diplomatic efforts to establish an alliance between the Holy League and Safavid Persia in the early 1570s; on the ‘messianic outlook’ of Pope St. Pius V (pontificate 1566-1572); on the campaigns that saw the conquest and loss of Tunis in 1573-74 – have resulted from these works. In turn, these interests in the Mediterranean have led to a number of research projects and have influenced the works of historians such as Beatriz Alonso Acero and Phillip Williams.
Dr García Hernán's other principal area of interest lies in the relationship between Ireland, the Spanish Monarchy and the Papacy in the sixteenth-, seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries. Again, this line of ‘investigación’ can be traced back to the pontificate of Pius V. Dr García Hernán’s research has cast light on the complex web of diplomatic relations that sprung up after 1560; in particular it has led to the study of the negotiations between Madrid, Rome and the Gaelic nobles and aristocrats who came to be increasingly alienated by the Tudor regime in Ireland and who, correspondingly, looked to the Habsburgs of Spain as their natural protectors. This project has led to the forging of links between groups of historians and academics in Spain and Ireland. It has provided important new perspectives not only on the (often-tortuous) diplomatic exchanges between London, Dublin, Rome and Madrid, but also on the relative military strengths of the protagonists. In turn these insights have spawned a number of doctoral research projects, which have been brought to fruition by students such as Igor Pérez Tostado, Óscar Recio Morales, Diego Téllez Alarcia, Eduardo De Mesa and Cristina Bravo. The exploration of the vast archive holdings in Simancas, Madrid and Rome has made us aware of the presence of large numbers of Irish troops in Habsburg armies and fleets after the defeat of the Irish rebellion at the Battle of Kinsale (1601). This rebellion had been sponsored and assisted by Philip III of Spain (1598–1621). Dr García Hernán is working currently on the Mission of Ireland, a database with more than 35,000 documents detailing the ‘viatica’ of Irish priests instructed in Spain and sent to Ireland.
Interdisciplinary research: conferences and workshops
Prof García Hernán’s edited volumes of essays have sought to break down barriers between the various disciplines of the humanities and between the self-contained and isolated narratives of national history. They have also sought to re-integrate our understanding of developments in Spain with events in Italy, England and `Ireland.
Current projects and future research plans
Prof García Hernán is an academic adviser to the editors of the new military history of Spain, Historia Militar de España, whose overall director is Hugo O´Donnell. At present five volumes have been published by Laberinto([1]).
A number of other projects have recently been completed - on the Cortes of Cadiz of 1812, War and Society in early modern Europe and the relationship between Poland, northern Europe and Spain in the early modern period:
For information on the research into links between Spain and Ireland in the early modern period, see the website: www.irishinspain.es
As the co-founder and editor of the series of a new series of monograph studies (Historia de España y su proyección internacional, mentioned above) Dr García Hernán welcomes proposals for studies that break down the barriers between national histories and the disciplines.
Dr García Hernán was appointed to the board of the Comisión Española de Historia Militar in 2006. In the following year he was elected to the Real Academia de Historia. In 2010 he was made a fellow of the Ambrosiana Academy of Milan (la Academia Ambrosiana de Milán).
Curriculum en Dialnet
Recent works
- Vives y Moro http://www.catedra.com/libro.php?codigo_comercial=170077 ISBN 978-84-376-3616-0
- Ignace de Loyola http://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/ignace-de-loyola-enrique-garcia-hernan/9782021231656 EAN 9782021231670
- From Ireland to Poland, http://guillesb64.wixsite.com/polonia ISBN 978-84-7274-317-5
- The Spanish Monarchy and Safavid Persia in the Early Modern Period Politics, War and Religion http://www.iberosafavidstudies.es/?p=132 ISBN 978-84-7274-318-2
- PRESENCIA GERMÁNICA EN LA MILICIA ESPAÑOLA http://publicaciones.defensa.gob.es/inicio/libros/libro/presencia-germ%C3%A1nica-en-la-milicia-espa%C3%B1ola-n%C2%BA3 ISBN 978-84-9091-050-4
- A database on the 'Misión de Irlanda' can be found at: http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/64240?offset=40
- Ireland and Spain in the reign of Philip II; Four Courts Press, Dublin 2009, pp. 392; ISBN 978-1-84682-166-0
Monograph studies in Spanish
- Battle of Kinsale. Study and Documents from the Spanish Archives, with the collaboration of Ciaran Brady and Declan M. Downey, Ministerio de Defensa-Albatros, Valencia 2013; ISBN 978-8472743069
- Ignacio de Loyola, Taurus, Madrid 2013; ISBN 978-8-430-60211-7
- Consejero de Ambos Mundos. Vida y obra de Juan de Solórzano Pereira (1575-1655); Fundación Mapfre, Madrid 2007, pp. 421; ISBN 978-84-9844-056-0
- Irlanda y el rey prudente. Segunda Parte; Laberinto, Madrid 2003; pp. 278; ISBN 84-8483-089-6
- Milicia General en la Edad Moderna. El Batallón de don Rafael de la Barreda y Figueroa; Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid 2003, pp. 320; ISBN 84-9781-061-9
- La cuestión irlandesa en la política internacional de Felipe II; Universidad Complutense, Madrid 2002, Ref. Book and CD-Rom. pp 719; ISBN 84-669-1063-8
- Políticos de la Monarquía Hispánica, 1469-1700. Ensayo y Diccionario; Fundación Mapfre Tavera, Madrid 2002; pp. 888; ISBN 84-8479-025-8
- Irlanda y el rey prudente. Primera Parte; Laberinto, Madrid 2000; pp. 286; ISBN 84-87482-68-6
- La acción diplomática de Francisco de Borja al servicio del Pontificado, 1571-1572; Generalitat de Valencia, Valencia 2000; pp. 562; ISBN 84-482-2367-5
- Francisco de Borja, Grande de España; Institutió Alfons el Magnànim, Valencia 1999; pp. 354; ISBN 978-84-7822-275-9
- La armada española en la monarquía de Felipe II y la defensa del Mediterráneo; Tempo, Madrid, 1995; pp. 181; ISBN 84-88381-11-5
- With David García Hernán, Lepanto: el día después; Actas, Madrid 1999, pp. 191; ISBN 84-87863-77-9
Edited Volumes
- with M. Carmen Lario Oñate, The Irish Communities in Spain and the Cortes of Cadiz, 1812 (Forthcoming, Albatros, Valencia 2013)
- with María del Pilar Ryan, Francisco de Borja y su tiempo. Política, Religión y cultura en la Edad Moderna; Valencia-Roma, IHSI, 2011, pp. 800 ISBN 978-88-7041-374-8.
with Igor Pérez Tostado, Irlanda y el Mundo Atlántico. Movilidad, participación e intercambio cultural; Albatros, Valencia 2010; pp. 355; ISBN 978-84-7274-287-1.
- Monumenta Borgia VII (1551-1566). Sanctus Franciscus Borgia Quartus Gandiae Dux et Societatis Iesu Praepositus Generalis Tertius. Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, vol. 157; Instituto Histórico de la Compañía de Jesús-Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia-Rome 2009; pp. 858; ISBN 978-88-7041-157-7
- with Oscar Recio Morales, Extranjeros en el ejército: Militares irlandeses en la sociedad española, 1580–1818; Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid 2007; pp. 422; ISBN 978-84-9781-342-6;
- with Davide Maffi, Guerra y Sociedad en la Monarquía Hispánica. Política, Estrategia y Cultura en la Edad Moderna (1500-1700);2 volúmenes; Ediciones del Laberinto, Fundación Mapfre, CSIC, Madrid 2006; vol I pp. 1054 and vol.II pp. 1024; ISBN 978-84-8483-224-9
- with José María Blanco Núñez and Pablo de Castro Martín, Poder Terrestre y Poder Naval en la época de la batalla de Trafalgar; Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid 2006; pp. 702; ISBN 84-9781-269-7
- Monumenta Borgia VI (1478-1551). Sanctus Franciscus Borgia Quartus Gandiae Dux et Societatis Iesu Praepositus Generalis Tertius. Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, vol. 156; Instituto Histórico de la Compañía de Jesús-Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia-Rome, 2003; pp. 752; ISBN 84-482-3354-9/ 88-7041-156-7
- with Miguel Ángel de Bunes, Oscar Recio Morales, Bernardo J. García García, Irlanda y la Monarquía Hispánica. Kinsale, 1601-2001. Política, Guerra, Exilio y Religión; Universidad de Alcalá- CSIC. Biblioteca de Historia 51, Madrid 202; pp. 567
Papers in English
- ‘The price of spying at the Battle of Lepanto’, in Eurasian Studies, II/2 (2003), pp. 227–250
- 'The Persian Gentlemen at the Spanish Court in the Early Seventeenth Century', in Rudi Matthee and Jorge Flores (eds), Portugal the Persian Gulf and Safavid Persia, Peeter, Lovanii 2011, pp. 283–300, ISBN 978-90-429-2448-2
- 'Irish clerics in Madrid, 1598-1665', in Thomas O´Connor – Mary Lyons(ed.), Irish Communities in Early-Moderns Europe, Four Courts Press, Dublín 2006, 267-293. ISBN 1-85182-993-8
- 'Philip II´s forgotten armada', in Hiram Morgan (ed.), The Battle of Kinsale, Wordwell Ltd., Cork 2004, 45-58. ISBN 1-869857-70-4
´The Holy See, the Spanish Monarchy and Safavid Persia in the Sixteenth Century: Some Aspects of the Involvement of the Society of Jesus´, in Willem Floor & Edmund Herzig (eds.), Iran and the World in the Safavid Age, I.B.Tauris, London-New York 2012, pp. 506, pp. 181–206; ISBN 978-1-850-43930-1
National and international awards and prizes
Finalist in the National Award for History 2007 (Premio Nacional de Historia 2007) for the book Consejo de Ambos Mundo. Vida y obra de Juan de Solórzano Pereira, see above for details.
Prize for the Outstanding Study of Military History 2002 (Premio Ejército de Tierra). Granted by: Ministerio de Defensa. Title of Book: Milicia General en la Edad Moderna: El batallón de Don Rafael de la Barreda y Figueroa, see above for details.
The Roberto Bellarmino Prize for the Outstanding Doctorate in International History 1998 (Premio Internacional de Doctorado Roberto Bellarmino). Granted by: Universidad Gregoriana de Roma, for the best doctoral thesis: La acción diplomática de Francisco de Borja al servicio del pontificado, 1571-1572, see above for details.)
The Premio Virgen del Mar 1994. Granted by: The Ministerio de Defensa. Book: La armada española en la monarquía de Felipe II y la defensa del Mediterráneo, see above for details.)
Prize for the Outstanding Study in Military History 1993 (Premio Ejército de Tierra). Granted by: Ministerio de Defensa. Title of Book: La proyección política-militar de la victoria de Lepanto, see above for details.)