Quick Facts
Raymond C. Ortlund, Sr. (July 9, 1923 – July 22, 2007) was a pastor, author, broadcast radio program host and Christian speaker. He was heard by millions across the nation on his radio program The Haven of Rest. Raymond C. Ortlund Sr. and his wife Anne Ortlund (1923 – November 4, 2013), were ministers around the world, primarily to pastors, missionaries, churches and Christian organizations. Ray, Sr. and Anne have written numerous books together over their years of ministry including: Three Priorities for a Strong Local Church, and Up with Worship.
- Anne graduated from University of Redlands majoring in music.
- Ray attend North Park University in Chicago, University of Redlands and University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. While attending he was captained of two football teams and also was an assistant pastor at four churches.
- Ray Ortlund graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1950.
- Ray was ordained a Presbyterian minister.
- At Princeton Theological seminary one of his key mentors was Donald G. Barnhouse.
Raymond C. Ortlund Sr.'s his first pastor work was in Christiana, Pennsylvania, then at East Glenville Church, Scotia, New York. Raymond was part of a two-month pastor exchange program in 1959, where he worked in England. Returning from England Raymond became the Senior Pastor at Lake Avenue Congregational Church in Pasadena, California from September 1959 to the late 1970s. Raymond's Sunday morning services at Lake Avenue Congregational Church were broadcast over radio station KRLA. After 20 years at Lake Avenue Ray and wife Anne founded Renewal Ministries. With Renewal Ministries they traveled around the world teaching about renewal and revival among God’s churches. Ray hosted the Haven of Rest radio broadcast with his distinctive voice for 19 years from 1981 to 2000. Raymond C. Ortlund Sr. also served as a teaching pastor at Mariner's Church in Newport Beach, California in the 1980s. The National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame inducted Ray in 2008 for his years of hosting the Haven of Rest. Anne’s was the organist for the Old Fashioned Revival Hour radio broadcast with Dr. Charles E. Fuller and the The Joyful Sound program. Ray and Anne work in the revival movement at Wheaton College in 1970.
For a number of years Ortlund wrote a weekly column for the Pasadena Star-News called Out of a Pastor's Study. The Haven of Rest radio program was started in 1934 by Paul Myers in Los Angeles. Myers was the host the program for 37 years, followed by Paul Evans starting in 1971. Ray took over the program in 1981 and hosted the program till 2000. The Haven of Rest program was renamed Haven Today in 2000 and is currently hosted by Charles Morris, the programs fourth host.
Ray parents were Swedish- Americans. Ray was born in Des Moines, Iowa, the youngest of five children. Ray served in the US Navy in World War II for three and half years. Ray & Anne Ortlund met at a prayer group at the University of Redlands in 1944, during a home stay between deployment. After the war Ray & Anne married at the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. and honeymooned in the Shenandoah Valley. Anne is the daughter of U.S. Brigadier General Joseph B. Sweet. Their son Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr. took over Renewal Ministries and serves as President of Renewal Ministries. Their son Dane Ortlund is Senior VP for Bible Publishing at Crossway. Their daughters are Sherry and Margie. Raymond C. Ortlund Sr. grandson is Rev. Gavin Ortlund.
Ray passed way on July 22, 2007 after a long battle with pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease. A friend of Ray's was Bill Bright who suffered with the same disease and gave Ray encouragement. Two memorial services were held; one at Saint Andrew's Presbyterian in Church in Newport Beach on July 27, 2007 and the second at Lake Avenue Congregational Church on July 28, 2007.
- Lord, Make My Life a Miracle – 1995 (by Ray & Anne)
- You Don't Have To Quit – 1994 (by Ray & Anne)
- In His Presence – 1995 — 3 editions (by Ray & Anne)
- Confident in Christ: Discover Who You Are as a Believer – 1989 (by Ray & Anne)
- Three Priorities for a Strong Local Church – 1988 — 2 editions (by Ray & Anne)
- A Fresh Start for Your Friendships – 2001 (by Ray & Anne)
- Staying Power: How You Can Win In Life's Tough Situations – 1986 (by Ray & Anne)
- A Man and His Loves – 1994 (by Ray & Anne)
- The Best Half of Life: For You at Age 35-And Older: With Built-In Study Guide −1988 (by Ray & Anne)
- Renewal – 1989 (by Ray & Anne)
- How Great Our Joy – 2000 (by Ray & Anne)
- Love me with tough love: Disciplines for living together in the Body of Christ – 1979 (by Anne)
- Building a great marriage – 1985 (by Anne)
- Discipling One Another – 1983 (by Anne)
- Disciplines of the Home – 1990 (by Anne)
- I Want to See You, Lord – 1998 (by Anne)
- The acts of Joanna – 1982 (by Anne)
- Disciplines of a Beautiful Woman – 1984 (by Anne)
- Disciplines of the Heart: Tuning Your Inner Life to God – 1989 (by Anne)
- Children are Wet Cement – 1981 (by Anne)
- The Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman – 1996 (by Anne)
- My Sacrifice His Fire: Weekday Readings for Women – 2001(by Anne)
- Love Me with Stubborn Love: The Why's and How's of Small Groups – 2000(by Anne)
- Fix Your Eyes on Jesus – 1991 (by Anne)
- Up with Worship: How to Quit Playing Church – 2001 (by Anne)
- Rx for unfulfilled mothers. (pastor's wife Anne Ortlund), Christian Herald Association, Inc., Feb. 1982
- How To Begin Again” Ephesians 4:17–32 December 29, 1974
- Out of a Pastor's Study a weekly column for the Pasadena Star-News.