Quick Facts
Saint Clodoald (Latin: Clodoaldus, Cloudus ;522 – c. 560 AD), better known as Cloud, was the son of King Chlodomer of Orléans and his wife Guntheuc.
Clodoald was raised in Paris by his grandmother, Saint Clotilde. He was one of three brothers, all of whom were targeted for assassination by their uncle, Clotaire I. Clodoald's brothers, Theodoald and Gunther, were killed by Clotaire when they were ten and nine respectively, but Clodoald survived by escaping to Provence.
Clodoald renounced all claims to the throne, and lived as a studious hermit and disciple of Saint Severinus of Noricum.
Visited by many for counsel and healing, Clodoald in effect gained nothing by keeping himself remote from society. He therefore returned to Paris, where he was received with joy. At the people's request, he was ordained a priest by Bishop Eusebius of Paris in 551, and served the church for some time.
Clodoald established an abbey at a hamlet named Novigentum, on the Seine near Versailles, that is now a collegiate church of canons regular called Saint Cloud wherein his relics are kept. The hamlet hosting his tomb was renamed Saint-Cloud accordingly.
Clodoald's feast day is September 7.
Places named for St. Cloud
- Saint-Cloud, France
- Saint Cloud, Minnesota
- Saint Cloud, Florida
- Saint Cloud, Wisconsin