Clément Mouhot
Quick Facts
Clément Mouhot is a French mathematician and Professor at the University of Cambridge, and a fellow of King's College. His research is primarily in partial differential equations and mathematical physics (statistical mechanics, Boltzmann equation, Vlasov equation).
He obtained his PhD in 2004 under the supervision of Cedric Villani at the École normale supérieure de Lyon.
Since 2011, he is Associate editor of Acta Applicandae Mathematicae and of the Journal of Statistical Physics. Since 2012, he is Co-Editor-in-chief of the ESAIM Proceedings. Since 2014 he is Associate editor of Communications in Mathematical Physics.
His work "On Landau damping" with Villani (published in 2011) was quoted in the Fields Medal laudation of Villani in 2010. In 2013, his work “Kac’s program in kinetic theory” with Mischler was the subject of a Séminaire Bourbaki.
In 2014 he was awarded the Whitehead Prize. and the "Grand Prix Madame Victor Noury" of the French "Académie des sciences". He has won the 2015/2016 Adams Prize writing on the subject Applied Analysis.