Christian Tămaș
Quick Facts
Christian Tămaş (born November 13, 1964) is a Romanian writer, translator, essayist, arts and humanities researcher.
Christian Tămaş was born in the commune of Letca (Sălaj County, northern Transylvania, Romania) on November 13, 1964. He graduated in Arabic language and literature from the University of Bucharest, in 1988. Later, in 2006, he obtained a master's degree in adult education at the University “A. I. Cuza” of Iaşi and, in 2007, he earned a Doctorate in philosophy at the same university, with the thesis “Communication Strategies in the Qur'an”.
His published works include novels, short stories, essays, literary criticism articles, scientific books and articles in the field of humanities, as well as translations from Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Catalan, French, English, Irish and Portuguese.
Since 2008, besides his research activity conducted at the University of Iaşi, he delivers courses of Arabic language and civilization at the same university and at the Arab Cultural Center of Iaşi.
List of published works and translations (selective)
• Trezirea la nemurire, Ars longa, 1997
• Strategii de comunicare in Coran, Ars Longa, 2007
• Seán Ó Curraoin, Beairtle (translation from Irish), Ars Longa, 2008
• Gaetano Mollo, Dincolo de angoasă : educația etico-religoasă la Sören Kierkegaard (translation from Italian), Ars Longa, 2000
• Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Luptătoarea şi alte poezii (translation from Irish), Ars Longa, 2008
• Crize contemporane : disoluția sacrului, Ars Longa, 2003
• Crize contemporane : ofensiva islamului, Ars Longa, 2004
• The White Silence, Ars Longa, 2007
• Ignațiu de Loyola (Ignatius of Loyola), Exerciții spirituale (translation from Spanish), Polirom, 1996
• Tadeusz Rostworowski, Din gindirea filosofică a papei Ioan Paul al II-lea (translation from Italian), Ars Longa, 1995
• Labirint, Ars Longa, 1995
• El. Avatarurile unui articol hotărât, Ars Longa, 2012
• Carles Miralles, Dulci şi aspre (translation from Catalan), Ars Longa, 2008
Romanian Association for Religious Studies
Romanian Association of Semiotic Studies
Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique (France)
Center of Arabic Studies, University of Bucharest
Writers' Union of Romania
Société Internationale des Traducteurs d’Arabe (France)
Maison Naaman pour la Culture (Lebanon)
Casa del Poeta Peruano (Perú)
Prix Naaman, (Lebanon), 2007
Writers' Union of Romania Prize, 2008
Gold Medal for Intellectual Excellence, (Perú), 2012