Carlos Llano Cifuentes
Quick Facts
Carlos Llano Cifuentes' (México City, February 17, 1932- Miami USA, May 5, 2010) was a Mexican Philosopher and university professor as well as one of the founding members of IPADE Business School and founder of Universidad Panamericana.
Early life and education
He got his BA and PhD in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Sani Tomas in Rome and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), while also studying Economics in the Complutense University.
In 1958 Llano launched ISTMO magazine, which publishes articles about humanist thought and ideas about society. In 1967 he founded the IPADE Business School, which has been ranked among the 10 top Business Schools in the world by Forbes Magazine and the Financial Times. He also founded in 1967 the Universidad Panamericana, which now has three campuses in Mexico: Mexico City, Guadalajara and Aguascalientes and is ranked as a top tier Mexican university.
Llano wrote many book sand papers on the topic of philosophy and business, especially on the anthropology of management action.
–Ensayos sobre José Gaos: metafísica y fenomenología. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas-UNAM, México, 2008.
–Análisis de la acción directiva. Editorial Limusa. México, 1979 (15ª reimpresión, 2007).
–Humildad y liderazgo, Ediciones Ruz, México, 2004.
–Falacias y ámbitos de la creatividad, Noriega Editores-IPADE, México, 2002.
-La metamorfosis de las empresas, Granica, 2001.
-La amistad en la empresa. F.C.E., México, 2000.
–Examen filosófico del acto de la decisión. Editorial Cruz, México, 1999.
-La formación de la inteligencia, la voluntad y el carácter. Editorial Trillas, México, 1999.
-Dilemas éticos de la empresa contemporánea. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México, 1998.
-La enseñanza de la dirección y el método del caso. IPADE. México, 1996.
–La creación del empleo. Editorial Panorama. México, 1995.
–El nuevo empresario en México. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México, 1995.
–El postmodernismo en la empresa. Editorial McGraw-Hill. México, 1994.
–El empresario y su mundo. Editorial McGraw-Hill. México, 1991.
–El empresario y su acción. Editorial McGraw-Hill. México, 1991.
–El empresario ante la responsabilidad y la motivación. Editorial McGraw-Hill. México, 1991.